Albany Times Union – All Otsego


Albany Times Union


Views From Around The State: August 12, 2021

Views From Around The State August 12, 2021 From: The Albany Times Union Editorial Board One could almost detect a faint “nyah-nyah” between the lines of last Thursday’s announcement that, now that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost his sweeping pandemic emergency powers, school districts are on their own when it comes to reopening in September. So there. Health Commissioner Howard Zucker didn’t put it quite that way, of course. Instead, he couched his abdication of duty in more bureaucratic terms,…


Views From Around The State: August 5, 2021

Views From Around The State August 5, 2021 Governments need to refocus on coronavirus By The Albany Times Union Editorial Board: New York did a solid job beating back the coronavirus after it took hold here 16 months ago, and for all the sacrifice it took, the state has opened up again. But now there are signs we are losing ground, as a state government that so ably fought the pandemic seems to have lost its laser focus, and too…


Views Around New York State: July 8, 2021

Views Around New York State Suing Georgia over voting rights is just the start From The Albany Times-Union: Georgia was among a host of GOP-controlled states that in the aftermath of Republican Donald Trump’s loss to Democrat Joe Biden for the presidency have intensified efforts to pass laws brazenly aimed at suppressing votes by people of color. Georgia and its defenders offered the weak defense that some of the provisions it passed will expand voting rights, as if a little…


Views Around New York: April 29, 2021

Views Around New York COVID Impatience Can Be Dangerous From: The Daily Gazette Editorial Board, Saratoga The return to normalcy has started. But we’re not there yet. And if you think we’re beyond the bad old days of seeing big spikes in cases, look no further than Saratoga Springs High School, where about two dozen students contracted the virus recently. Officials believe the outbreak was largely the result of a teen party in Lake George the weekend of April 10.…


Tops, Price Chopper Set For Merger

Tops, Price Chopper Set For Merger Can Both Cooperstown Supermarkets Survive? By Jim Kevlin • Special to It looks like the Cooperstown area, which hosts both a Price Chopper and a Tops Friendly Market, will be an oddity with the merger of the two supermarket companies that was announced Monday, Feb. 9. The two companies have “a footprint that’s almost perfectly contiguous,” with minimal overlap, Price Chopper/Market 32 President/CEO Scott Grimmett told the Albany Times Union. With Price Chopper…


Glimmer Of Hope? Total Number Of New Deaths Drops From 630 To 594 Saturday-Sunday

Glimmer Of Hope? Total Number Of New Deaths Drops From 630 To 594 Saturday-Sunday ALBANY —  The number of COVID-19 related deaths rose by nearly 600 people overnight, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday, going from 3,565 to 4,159. But Cuomo said the number of deaths at one time has dropped for the first time over the past few days, the Albany Times Union is reporting this morning. “What is the significance of that? It’s too early to tell,” Cuomo said.…