
Albert Colone


Albert L. Colone, 76; Oneonta Native, Veteran, Musician, Developer, Dreamer

IN MEMORIAM Albert L. Colone, 76 Oneonta Native, Veteran, Musician, Developer, Dreamer Albert L. Colone was born July 8, 1944 in Oneonta the son of the late Ani Pasquale and Eva Gloria (Jerome) Colone. He grew up on River Street, in his beloved 6th Ward, playing sandlot sports and generally tormenting the Wilcox’s and others with his older brother, Frank. Albert ultimately ended up a life-long resident of 6th Ward and helped to establish the 6th Ward Athletic Club and…


COVID? It Could Have Been Worse

ALBERT COLONE RECOUNTS FAMILY’S STORY COVID? It Could Have Been Worse Editor’s Note: The COVID-19 pandemic has Albert Colone, founding president of the former National Soccer Hall of Fame in Oneonta, musing about the immigrant experience, when times were REALLY tough. This is the first of two columns on the immigrant experience of his grandparents, Frank and Lucia (Valentini) Colone. COVID-19, which hit America hard starting in early 2020, turned our worlds upside down. I haven’t been able to hug…


COLONE: ‘Reimagine Upstate’ Will Lead To Single Oneonta

LETTER from ALBERT COLONE ‘Reimagine Upstate’ Will Lead To Single Oneonta A couple of weeks ago, Hometown Oneonta and The Freeman’s Journal published my opinion piece, once again trying to promote the idea of consolidating the city and town of Oneonta. I submitted it to try and generate some meaningful debate on the issue. Surprisingly, the only subsequent reference I’ve seen was an unsigned comment in another paper. How can this be? Whoever submitted that comment, thank you for the…


COLONE: Want One Oneonta? City Must Use Assets As Leverage v. Town

LETTER from ALBERT COLONE Want Single Oneonta? City Must Use Assets As Leverage v. Town To the Editor: No municipality should extend its services beyond its boundary lines!” That was the opening statement made by Wade Beltramo, general counsel for the New York Conference of Mayors inside the City Council Chambers on March 28, 2017. The general counsel was invited by the City of Oneonta to give a presentation on municipal annexation. I bring it up in that the last…


City of Oneonta’s Misfortune Also A Drag On Town, County

from ALBERT COLONE City of Oneonta’s Misfortune Also A Drag On Town, County To the Editor: The City of Oneonta has been designated the fifth poorest city in New York State!  It’s a real depressing condition that has gradually emerged over a couple of generation. Though the city is not alone in local poverty, likewise families within the entire surrounding area have been on a sinking ship into poverty, too – when in fact we should be one of the…