alberto cardelle – All Otsego


alberto cardelle


SUNY President Updates Common Council

Cardelle reminded the audience that he is starting his third year as the university’s president. He announced that the school was founded 135 years ago on September 4, 1889 as Oneonta State Normal School, with the goal of training teachers.…


News from the Noteworthy: Nonprofit Breakfast the Template for Networking in 2023

News from the Noteworthy Nonprofit Breakfast the Template for Networking in 2023 On November 9, the Community Foundation of Otsego County, in collaboration with SUNY-Oneonta, brought 50 nonprofit organizations together in one room for its first “Nonprofit Breakfast” networking opportunity. The goal of the breakfast was to engage a diverse group in conversation about the future of Otsego County. After an introduction from SUNY President Alberto Cardelle that highlighted the significance of our countywide charitable organizations—and an update from Danielle…


News from the Noteworthy: Celebrate Fall in Many Ways

News from the Noteworthy Celebrate Fall in Many Ways The beauty of fall—as it ushers us from the heat and activity of summer to the chill and serenity of winter—is celebratory and full of hope. Fall does not meekly transition; it sings out with color as it triumphantly faces winter. With our magnificent landscape’s celebration on full display, I have recently thought about how much our community has to celebrate. On Friday, October 14, Dr. Alberto J.F. Cardelle will be…