alice busch opera theater – All Otsego


alice busch opera theater


Editorial: Glimmering Glimmerglass Glimmers Again

Last week, on the evening of Friday the 7th of July, the Glimmerglass Festival opened the doors of the Alice Busch Opera Theater for its 48th season with a provocative, moving, and beautifully sung and brilliantly acted performance of Puccini’s “La bohème.” This is the fifth Glimmerglass production of what is among the most well-known and well-loved operas in the world.…

Happenin’ Otsego: 07-02-23

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JULY 2 Springfield Appreciation Concert with Glimmerglass Festival CONCERT—4 p.m. Springfield Appreciation Concert. Enjoy a preview of select summer performances from Glimmerglass Festival at this benefit for the Springfield 4th of July Parade and Celebration. Tickets, $5, available at the Convenience Corner Store (corner of State Highway 20/80). Alice Busch Opera Theater, 7300 State Highway 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-2255 or visit…

First Impressions: Glimmerglass Geared for Great Season

Greetings from The Glimmerglass Festival. It is hard to believe we open our 2023 season in just three weeks! This year, our productions offer thrilling stories of romance, joy, tragedy, discovery and laughter. The tale of young artists losing their innocence in “La bohème,” the tragic destinies of the young lovers in “Romeo and Juliet,” the questions about life in “Candide,” and a young knight’s battle to reunite with his beloved in “Rinaldo” serve as poignant reminders of the struggles…


The Glimmerglass Festival Dedicates the New Lady Juliet Tadgell Garden

The Glimmerglass Festival Dedicates the New Lady Juliet Tadgell Garden Cooperstown, NY—This past weekend, the Board of Trustees of the Glimmerglass Festival formally dedicated the newly redone courtyard adjacent to the theater as The Lady Juliet Tadgell Garden. A longtime summer resident of the Cooperstown community and Honorary Life Trustee of the Festival, Lady Juliet has been one of the organization’s most ardent friends and supporters since 1983. Three years ago, Lady Juliet and her husband, Dr. Christopher Tadgell, spent…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, JULY 28 ‘On Golden Pond’ At Foothills MUSICAL – 8 p.m. Presenting “On Golden Pond” starring Carol Dean and Gary E. Stevens. Tickets, $10-15. The Foothills Performing Arts Center, Oneonta. Call 607-432-5047 or visit FISH FRY BENEFIT – 5-7 p.m. Order haddock, coleslaw, fries, dessert, and coffee or tea. $10 to benefit the Greater Oneonta Historical Society. VFW, 279 Chestnut St., Oneonta. Call (607)432-0494 or visit…