allstadt – All Otsego




Private Life Beckons To Lou Allstadt

Private Life Beckons To Lou Allstadt He Leaves Cooperstown Village Board, But Stays Involved In Public Affairs By JIM KEVLIN COOPERSTOWN ‘It’s been my longest job – at the lowest pay,” former Mobil Oil executive vice president Lou Allstadt told his colleagues Monday, Jan. 28, in resigning from the Village Board. Resigning, but it doesn’t mean he’s exactly retiring.…

ALLSTADT: Jastremski Intelligent, Hard Worker

ALLSTADT:  Jastremski Intelligent,  Worker To the Editor: I am writing in support of Kim Jastremski for election to the Cooperstown Central school board. In a field of very good candidates, Kim stands out for her hard work, intelligence and experience. Kim has made major improvements to the Village Library of Cooperstown by working cooperatively with Friends of the Library, the library staff and the Village Board. The most visible are the physical improvements to the main hall and the west…

Allstadt: Evidence Against Fracking Is Overwhelming

Allstadt: Evidence Against Fracking Is Overwhelming COOPERSTOWN – Lou Allstadt was shopping for shoes about 1:15 when the Governor’s Office phone number popped up on his cell phone. The news – that Governor Cuomo had decided to ban fracking in New York State – was being delivered by a governor’s aide to the county’s – and one of the state’s – most formidable opponents of the controversial gas-extraction process. “The evidence was overwhelming,” Allstadt said a few minutes later. “I’ve…


COOPERSTOWN CONSIDERING COMMUNITY SOLAR PROGRAM COOPERSTOWN The Village of Cooperstown and Town of Otsego have begun discussing a “community solar program,” Village Trustee Lou Allstadt, the clean-energy advocate, told a program sponsored by Sustainable Otsego in the county Courthouse this evening. The idea of the program, described earlier by Jessica Azulay, with the Alliance for a Green Economy, would be to create a community solar farm that would share the energy and cost savings community wide.…