Amy Schumer – All Otsego


Amy Schumer


THIS WEEK — February 11, 2021

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta Feb. 11, 2021 PHOTO OF THE WEEK FRONT PAGE COVID RIPS FOX Tops, Price Chopper Set For Merger Trump 2020 Billboard Going In April Amy Schumer Flies With Local Wings EDITORIAL Local Governments Should Tend Our Roads, Not Our Minds County Board Split On How To React To Capitol Attack FOOD FOR THOUGHT LETTERS MOYNIHAN: To Explain COVID-19, It’s Back To The Future DUNCAN: Let’s Try A Little Tenderness BERKSON: The…


Amy Schumer Flies With Local Wings

Amy Schumer Flies With Local Wings By Chrystal Savage • Special to Cecily Rush watched the Super Bowl along with 96.4 million Americans, and there they were: Her handmade angel-wing creations in Hellman’s “Fairy Godmayo” commercial, starring Amy Schumer. “I was given no details beyond the fact that it was a Super Bowl commercial and that the wings were going to be worn by a blonde celebrity who recently had a baby,” said a thrilled Cecily Monday, Feb. 8,…


EDITORIAL: Amy Schumer Proves It –

Editorial, June 8, 2018 Amy Schumer Proves It Cooperstown-Oneonta Market CAN Support Top Acts. Study Should Underscore That Amy Schumer’s almost-instantaneous sellout performance Tuesday, May 29, at Oneonta’s Foothills Performance Arts Center proves it: There is a demand for top-rated entertainment in Otsego County. The remaining question: What’s the price point? As Schumer proved, $20 – a true bargain – is fine. So is probably $30. Maybe $40. Certainly, at $50 a seat there will probably be some audience erosion,…


EXCLUSIVE! What Did Amy Schumer Say At Foothills? Candidate Refuses To NOT Go Negative CCS Students Sign At Hall of Fame Game Theresa’s Emporium Opens Coop Store Armory Exhibit May Become Permanent Get Yer Milk!  At Bank Of Cooperstown

EXCLUSIVE! What Did Amy Schumer Say At Foothills? Candidate Refuses To NOT Go Negative CCS Students Sign At Hall of Fame Game Theresa’s Emporium Opens Coop Store Armory Exhibit May Become Permanent Get Yer Milk!  At Bank Of Cooperstown AVAILABLE AT THESE FINE ESTABLISHMENTS TRY HOME DELIVERY OF FREEMAN’S JOURNAL…


Comedian Amy Schumer To Perform At Foothills

Comedian Amy Schumer To Perform At Foothills ONEONTA – Stand up comedian and “I Feel Pretty” star Amy Schumer announced that she will perform at Foothills on Tuesday, May 29. According to New York Upstate, Schumer allegedly walked into Foothills on Friday and offered to perform. Tickets for the event at $20 and all proceeds will go to local charities.…