Andrew Hamill – All Otsego


Andrew Hamill


HAMILL: Support for Drnek, But With Questions

Letter from Andrew Hamill Support for Drnek, But With Questions In recent/positive news, the City of Oneonta was given a federal grant to help combat the homeless situation. I firmly support this effort. The only drawback I feel that needs to be addressed is where they are going to go. I fully support Mayor Drnek in his efforts and crusade to address the situation, but I also feel that there needs to be additional funding by either federal or state…


HAMILL: Council Candidate Elaborates on Policy

Letter from Andrew Hamill Council Candidate Elaborates on Policy As a candidate for the Oneonta City Council, I can only hope that I will do well to help serve the people and the city in any capacity possible. If there are any doubts about this, do know that I will keep my personal opinion separate from the task at the job itself. If I am elected to the Council, I want to increase the size of the Commissions from five…


SUNY Student Running for Common Council

SUNY Student Running for Common Council By TED MEBUSTONEONTASUNY Oneonta political science major and Maryland, New York native Andrew Hamill announced his candidacy for Oneonta Common Council in December, running as a member of his own party, “Unity for Oneonta.” Hamill hopes to bring accountability and pragmatism to the council, vowing to lead with a spirit of compromise. “We need Common Council members who are willing, and dedicated to reason and building a consensus with their constituents,” said Hamill. “As…


HAMILL: Hamill To Run for City Council Post

Letter from Andrew Hamill Hamill To Run for City Council Post Our elected officials, in their capacities, need to do more for their citizens while still maintaining a proper and modern budget that works with the people, help their citizens in any way they can, be held accountable to a higher standard, and remember that they answer to their constituents. With that being said, I hereby announce my candidacy for councilman for the First Ward in the City of Oneonta.…


HAMILL: Unity, Not Party, More Important

Letter from Andrew Hamill Unity, Not Party, More Important Last month, I put statements in All Otsego for our country to heed the call of unity as well as speaking to you all about it. I firmly stand by my statements. I speak on the week before Election Day by saying that regardless of who wins and who loses in this election and other elections, we need unity. If we are to have unity, we need to put our political…


HAMILL: Cardelle Speech Inspires, Motivates

Letter from Andrew Hamill Cardelle Speech Inspires, Motivates As a student at SUNY Oneonta, I am honored to have taken part in President Cardelle’s Inauguration as the ninth president of SUNY Oneonta. In the nine months that he has been president, he has and still continues to do a phenomenal job. His inaugural address was not only inspiring but motivating. On behalf of those who are still college students, I wish President Cardelle good luck in his role as president…


HAMILL: Encouragement, Advocacy Matter

Letter from Andrew (A.J.) Hamill Encouragement, Advocacy Matter “Be the best person you can possibly be. For example: If you want to be a ditch-digger, then be the best ditch-digger you can be.” This inspirational quote was from my grandmother. I can honestly say, this is the sort of advice that our local educators—whether they are teachers, principals, superintendents, guidance counselors, etc.—need to start encouraging students with, as well as students encouraging their fellow students. We need more advocacy plus…


Remembering the Queen

Letter from Andrew Hamill Remembering the Queen Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, knew the definition of duty, service, and leadership from the time she was young and up until her passing. One way her leadership became known was during the world’s annus horribilius (horrible year)and the United State’s second day of infamy: September the 11th, 2001, when Her Majesty instructed the Coldstream Guards to play our National Anthem to help display unity. She led a long life of service, duty,…


HAMILL: We the People Must Unite

Letter from Andrew Hamill We the People Must Unite “A House divided cannot stand”. This was not only quoted in the gospel of Mark, but also by Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jackson on two separate occasions. Our beautiful and majestic country is becoming more divided than it ever has been. The only solution to help end this division is to have unity, to help defend our rights, and to get along. In the Constitution under the Preamble, it states…


If You Want Public Office, You Ought To Say Why Publically

Editorial If You Want Public Office, You Ought To Say Why Publicly The county board’s Administration Committee set a poor precedent in deciding to interview candidates for state Sen.-elect Peter Oberacker’s District 6 seat in “executive session” – that is, in secret, out of the public view. The county attorney, Ellen Coccoma, last week advised the Admin Committee when it interviewed the Republican candidate, Jennifer Mickle, that whether to do so in public or not was optional, up to the reps.…