Andrew Stammel – All Otsego


Andrew Stammel


STAMMEL: Conspiracy Fantasies Must Come To An End

LETTER from ANDREW D. STAMMEL Conspiracy Fantasies Must Come To An End To the Editor: Millions of Americans watched in horror as partisan domestic terrorists stormed the U.S. Capitol last week to prevent the lawful election of Joe Biden. I join in the anger and disgust at the destruction of public property and the desecration of the hallowed citadel of democracy. I despair at the unnecessary loss of life, including brave Capitol police officers. But I also angrily denounce the…


STAMMEL: After Vacancy Rift, Bi-Partisan Trust Needs Rebuilding

LETTER from ANDREW STAMMEL After Vacancy Rift, Bi-Partisan Trust Needs Rebuilding To the Editor: The run of bi-partisanship on the county Board of Representatives has been interrupted by the Republican caucus’ recent efforts to steamroll through a replacement for Representative Oberacker. During my two and a half terms on the county board, cooperation between parties has ebbed and flowed. Since the 2017 election it has been split 7-7 between Democrats and Republican-affiliated members. Thankfully, a bi-partisan governing coalition and leadership…


STAMMEL: Don’t Walk Away From Education

LETTER from ANDREW STAMMEL We Shouldn’t Walk Away From Educational System To the Editor: The prosperity of Oneonta is inextricably intertwined with the success of its colleges. The fact that SUNY Oneonta’s reopening did not succeed as planned and hoped is a tragedy for our community in a year that challenges us all. The shutdown is devas-tating for our students who have looked forward to their college experience; heartbreaking for the 1,000 SUNY employees who have worked since March to…


STAMMEL: Cut Tourism Funding To Prevent Layoffs

LETTER from ANDREW STAMMEL Cut Tourism Funding To Prevent Layoffs To the Editor: Last week, the Otsego County Board of Represent-atives made the tragic decision to terminate 59 employees, amounting to hundreds of years of institutional knowledge and public service. While the euphemism “layoff” continues to be used, it doesn’t accurately reflect what occurred. These jobs have been eliminated. To return, multiple committees and the full board would need to re-create, fund and then fill these jobs; an unlikely prospect…


County Board Retreats From Threatened Cuts To Promotion Agency

JULY MEETING HELD TODAY County Board Retreats From Threatened Cuts To Promotion Agency By JIM KEVLIN ׇ• Special to COOPERSTOWN – After tabling the measure two weeks ago, the county Board of Representatives today rallied behind Destination Marketing of Otsego County, with nine reps rejecting a resolution to reduce funding for its promotional arm from 15 percent to 24 percent. Rep. Andrew Stammel, D-Town of Oneonta, proposed the larger cut for DMCOC, saying, “With the present state of the…


STAMMEL: Let’s Revisit One Oneonta

Letter From ANDREW STAMMEL Let’s Revisit One Oneonta To the Editor: As we enter Phase One of the easing of COVID-related public health restrictions, it is important to reflect on where we are, but also where we came from and where we are going. We are poised to surpass the sobering milestone of 100,000 dead Americans this Memorial Weekend, after just two short months of viral spread. NY’s “PAUSE” went into effect as the rate of infection and death was…


STAMMEL: ‘Sanctuary’ May Kill Golden Goose

LETTER from ANDREW STAMMEL ‘Sanctuary’ May Kill Golden Goose To the Editor: Elected officials should make efforts to understand and represent, within the confines of the law, our constituents’ varying perspectives. Thus, Representative Brockway’s “Second Amendment sanctuary” letter in last week’s edition was concerning both in its substance and tone. His letter rebutted a column a week before submitted by an active local resident. Brockway dismissively wrote that the author “is not native to the area and does not understand…


STAMMEL: 7-7 Split Calls For Power-Sharing, Cooperation

LETTER from ANDREW STAMMEL 7-7 Split Calls For Power-Sharing, Cooperation To the Editor: Every New Year brings change to the Otsego County Board. It has been interesting reading different opinions about our recent changes. To me, the selection of a chair and new vice chair from the same party caucus does not indicate a move away from the welcome bi-partisan collegiality of the last term. Both leaders won the bi-partisan support of their peers because they have shown themselves to…


Past And Present Collide In Debate On Administrator

CLICK FOR ADMINISTRATOR JOB DESCRIPTION Past And Present Collide In Debate On Administrator Planning v. ‘Dealing With It’ Explored; Also, Redistricting By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Three decades of striving ended today as the Otsego County Board of Representatives, 11-2-1, created the position of county executive. In a half-hour of give and take, it was clear that, despite and lopsided vote, starkly contrasting outlooks remain. “You talk about planning,” said county Rep. Keith McCarty, R-East Springfield,…


Letters What About Health, Retirement Benefits

What About Health, Retirement Benefits? To the Editor: Have you ever decided your own salary for the coming year? If so, did you opt to use another person’s money to give yourself a nearly 30-percent raise? Unlikely. Many of us would consider that unethical and shocking. The Otsego County Board of Representatives recently did just that, including their own generous raise in a half-million-dollar management salary reset. Some downplay the financial impact, but the county board raise alone will cost…

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