anti-fracking – All Otsego




Scrappy, Innovative GOP Chair Resigns, Focuses on Consulting

Scrappy, Innovative GOP Chair Resigns, Focuses on Consulting By JIM KEVLIN • Special to It was 2013. The issue was fracking. And four prominent local Republicans knocked on Vince Casale’s door. “It was conveyed to me that the party was in some trouble,” said Casale, who last week advised the Republican County Committee he is resigning as chairman. “My work is done,” he said. “It’s time for a change.” He recommended Lori Lehenbauer of Worcester, Republican county elections commissioner,…


Anti-Fracking Pioneer Retires At Ommegang Over 15 Years Larry Bennett Also Led ‘Thrones’ Campaign

Anti-Fracking Pioneer Retires At Ommegang Over 15 Years Larry Bennett Also Led ‘Thrones’ Campaign By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Larry Bennett called his career at Brewery Ommegang, which included helping launch Otsego County’s anti-fracking movement, “serendipity.” “When my wife and I moved up here in 2001 from Raleigh, N.C., I was working at the West Kortright Center to try and meet people,” he said. “I got talking with someone and told them I’d worked in advertising…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, APRIL 19 ‘To Grow A Farmer’ Exhibit OPENING RECEPTION – 5 – 7 p.m. Exhibit “To Grow A Farmer,” a photographic essay of farming families in upstate New York. Project Space Gallery, Fine Arts Center, SUNY Oneonta. Call 607-436-3456 or visit WRITERS SALON – 7:30 – 9 p.m. Present your writing at the open mic then enjoy a reading by the featured author John Verdon, author of the Dave Gurney series of mystery thrillers – international bestsellers.…