Antonio Delgado – All Otsego


Antonio Delgado


Pat Ryan Visits Cooperstown and Cooperstown Distillery

Pat Ryan Visits Cooperstown and Cooperstown Distillery Sam Aldridge With political tensions simmering one degree below boiling this summer, the very first special election for public office is taking place here in District 19 between Pat Ryan (D) and Marc Molinaro (R) on August 23. Ryan visited Cooperstown on Friday, meeting with officials from Bassett Hospital, touring the Hall of Fame, and tasting the spirits of Cooperstown Distillery. “I had really good conversations with healthcare leaders, the town supervisor and…


Commentary: The importance of the primary election

The primary thing: vote Commentary by Ted Potrikus Otsego County and the whole of New York stand on the cusp of an eventful election season that begins with the June 28 primaries for the offices of governor, lieutenant governor, and state Assembly. Because we can’t have nice things in the Empire State, we’ll have a second round of primaries on August 23; those are for state Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. And also a special election on August…


Court finalizes election districts

Otsego voters finally learn state, Congressional lines Otsego County voters finally know their political home for the next decade after a state Supreme Court judge last week finalized new election district boundaries for the state’s congressional and state Senate representation. A combined five courts – including the state’s highest – rejected boundaries drawn by the state Legislature after the voter-approved independent redistricting commission failed to agree on districts. The court-approved, final lines keep Otsego County entirely within the state Senate’s…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: Learn to Bake with the Huntington Memorial Library 05-16-22

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for MONDAY, MAY 16 Learn to Bake with the Huntington Memorial Library BAKING CLASS – 6 p.m. Learn how to make light and fluffy Cinnamon Rolls at home with amateur baker Alex Benjamin. Zoom link & ingredients will be sent 5/13. Cook-a-long or just enjoy the show. Presented online by the Huntington Memorial Library, Oneonta. BLOOD DRIVE – 2:30 – 6:30 p.m. Donate through May 19 for chance to win a travel trailer camper that sleeps eight. Richfield…


Editorial: Great Choice, Governor

Editorial Great Choice, Governor [Editor’s note: This week’s edition goes to press just as the news about Rep. Delgado is breaking; we offer here a brief analysis of the situation as it stands on the morning of May 3.] For Otsego County, Governor Kathy Hochul’s May 3 announcement appointing Rep. Antonio Delgado as her new second-in-command in Albany is nothing short of politically seismic — a move that could send aftershocks throughout the entire state and even into Washington, D.C.…


Farm worker overtime threshold

Delgado, Molinaro trade comments on farm worker overtime New York State Commissioner of Labor Roberta Reardon has not yet rendered her decision on whether to accept the state’s Farm Laborers Wage Board decision to lower the farmworker overtime threshold from 60 hours per week to 40 hours per week, but that hasn’t stopped likely 2022 19th congressional district race foes Antonio Delgado and Marc Molinaro from lobbing a few press release barbs at each other over the issue. Incumbent Congressman…


Rep. Delgado, top SBA official tour Otsego County sites

Rep. Delgado, top SBA official tour Otsego sites Biden Cabinet member touts post-pandemic recovery plans U.S. Small Business Administration chief Isabella Casillas Guzman, right, chats at the Baseball Hall of Fame with, from left, Hall of Fame President Josh Rawitch, Vice President Eric Strohl, and Congressman Antonio Delgado during a March 4 tour of small businesses in Cooperstown. SBA Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman, a member of President Joe Biden’s cabinet, stopped first with the Congressman at Cooperstown Distillery, joined there…


Head of US SBA tours Cooperstown with Congressman Delgado

Biden Administration Cabinet member visits Cooperstown Tours key locations with Rep. Delgado The head of President Joe Biden’s Small Business Administration, Isabella Casillas Guzman, spent the afternoon of Friday, March 4 in Cooperstown with Congressman Antonio Delgado hosting a tour of some of the Village’s best-known small businesses. Along with Cooperstown Mayor Ellen Tillapaugh and Otsego County Treasurer Allen Ruffles, the group discussed the president’s key infrastructure initiative, SBA outreach, pandemic relief and recovery, and other issues before convening a…


Reps Delgado, Stefanik tour Otsego County sites

Rep. Delgado, Rep. Stefanik talk upstate manufacturing in County visits Rep. Antonio Delgado on his IOXUS tour in Oneonta on February 22. Rep. Elise Stefanik with Andela Production Manager Dave Spencer during her tour of Andela Products in Richfield Springs on February 22. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R) stopped in Richfield Springs Tuesday, February 22, for her first official visit to Otsego County since lawmakers grafted its northernmost regions into her already-sprawling 21st Congressional District. “I used to have 12 counties…

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