Antonio Delgado – Page 10 – All Otsego


Antonio Delgado - Page 10



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 Tour Oneonta’s Downtown Revitalization Then & Now WALKING TOUR – 7 – 8 p.m. Bob Brzozowski & Gary Wickham lead walking tour, “Downtown Revitalization Then & Now” through Main & Market Streets. Learn urban renewal plans of 1970s to today’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI). Admission by Donation. Oneonta History Center, 183 Main St., Oneonta 607-432-0960 or visit TOWN HALL – 7 p.m. Meeting features Antonio Delgado (Running for Congress), Joyce St. George (Running for State…



Column by Adrian Kuzminski for July 13, 2018 OPEN LETTER TO ANTONIO DELGADO Fight Faso Over Big Money In Politics Congratulations on winning the Democratic nomination for Congress in New York’s 19th Congressional District. You’ve got a tough fight ahead against a smooth and wily opponent. I’m one of many who would like to see Representative John Faso defeated. He is a bought and paid for ex-lobbyist with big hardcore far right support. The Mercer family, investors in Breitbart News…


Delgado In Oneonta For 4th of July Festivities

Delgado In Oneonta For July 4th Festivities By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special To ONEONTA – There are 163 towns in the 19th Congressional District, many of them with fireworks, parades and other events celebrating Independence Day.  And Antonio Delgado, the Democratic candidate for Congress, chose to spend his Fourth of July in Oneonta. “Oneonta is a wonderful place,” he said. “I have a responsibility to touch every part of the district, to meet with people and listen to them.”…


POLITICAL LETTERS for 19th District Democratic primary

POLITICAL LETTERS Editor’s Note:  Hometown Oneonta and The Freeman’s Journal went to press last night, and any further political letters regarding the Tuesday, June 26, Democratic primary received through next Monday will be published on  Please e-mail them to   The polls will be open noon-9 p.m. next Tuesday across Otsego County. STERNBERG:  Flynn Will Be Attentive To Our County MARIETTA:  Flynn Will Improve Healthcare Access ABBATE:  Delgado Will Restore Dignity To Politics STAMMEL: Service, Experience Qualify Pat Ryan…

ABBATE:  Delgado To Restore Dignity To Politics

ABBATE:  Delgado To Restore Dignity To Politics To the Editor: As the former county Democratic chairman for many years, I always felt and made sure that the Democrats made an endorsement early.  I felt as the party leader we needed to fight hard to get our voices heard in elections. It’s always a tough call with so many talented people who have entered the race, but there is always one who stands out the most, and at this point we…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, APRIL 22 Discussion With The Candidates CANDIDATES FORUM – 6 – 8 p.m. Democrat Congressional candidates for the 19th district, Jeff Beals, David Clegg, Erin Collier, Antonio Delgado, Brian Flynn, Gareth Rhodes, and Pat Ryan discuss issues, more. HIRC Lecture Hall 1, SUNY Oneonta. Visit YOUTH PROGRAM – 2:30 p.m. Workshop introducing children to methods archaeologists use to find and identify archaeological sites. Cooperstown Village Library. Call 607-547-8344 or visit…


On WAMC’s ‘Morning Headlines’, Editor Reports On 6 ‘Dynamic’ Democrat at Forum

On WAMC’s ‘Morning Headlines’, Editor Reports On ‘Dynamic’ Democrats At Forum In today’s weekly report, “Morning Headlines,” on WAMC/Northeast Public Radio, Jim Kevlin, editor/publisher of (and Hometown Oneonta & the Freeman’s Journal), reports on the six “dynamic” Democrats who are interested in challenging U.S. Rep. John Faso, R-19, next year.  They appeared Sunday at Oneonta’s Sixth Ward Athletic Club. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS WEEK’S  REPORT…

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