april snowstorm – All Otsego


april snowstorm


This Week 04-21-22

THIS WEEK’S NEWSPAPERS The Freeman’s Journal • Hometown Oneonta April 21, 2022 PHOTO OF THE WEEK Just … No! FRONT PAGE YMCA’s summer programming on track, but ‘different’ this year Dedication, invention, perseverance lead to a surprising, happy ending for the Fenimore Cooper murals Inside The Paper Roots of suffrage topic of talk Cooperstown salutes Stephen Sondheim with “Hawkeye Revue” Perspectives Editorial ‘The Big Need’ COLUMNS Mayhem! Saving Main Street USA BOUND VOLUMES Bound Volumes: April 21, 2022 OBITUARIES Helen…


Community Aids Those Who Remain Without Power

Community Aids Those Who Remain Without Power The Clark Sports Center was quiet. The bottles of water were waiting in the foyer and the cots were ready to be unpacked from their trailer for use, delivered by the staff of the Otsego County Emergency Services. In the end, about a dozen people came in to warm up, charge their phones, and take a shower. Soap, shampoo, and towels were provided. Some came seeking dry ice. None chose to stay overnight…