athelas therapeutic riding – All Otsego


athelas therapeutic riding


Community Foundation Announces Fall Awards

Each spring and fall, the CFOC solicits award requests from across Otsego County, typically asking nonprofits to focus on certain areas. While the foundation often receives more requests than it can fund, successful applicants are those that come closest to achieving the goals of the focus area. In the last five years, the CFOC has issued awards totaling $1,051,942.00 to 377 nonprofits.…


Foundation Announces $100,000 in Awards

The Community Foundation of Otsego County has announced the commitment of 19 awards totaling more than $100,000.00 to Otsego nonprofits. Mirroring CFOC’s strategic plan, the awards cycle was divided into three categories: Immediate Needs, Strengthening Nonprofits and Strengthening Community. The response to the call for applications was heartening, with nearly 50 organizations applying for funds and requesting just under $430,000.00.…


‘Ponies, Pumpkins and Puppies: Oh, My!’

‘Ponies, Pumpkins and Puppies: Oh, My!’ By Anneliese Gilchrest The crisp smell of autumn, combined with sizzling Liam’s Hot Dogs and delicious grub from S&S Café of Bainbridge, filled the air at Athelas Therapeutic Riding Inc.’s Fall Festival on Saturday, October 1. More than 200 people gathered to support the cause while enjoying the weather and seasonal festivities at Athelas, located at 1179 County Highway 5, Otego. Inside the large indoor facility at Northfield Farm LLC, therapy ponies Powder and…