autism – All Otsego




Springbrook Receives $5 Million from Philanthropist Golisano

Golisano and Springbrook have shared a long-standing relationship, dating back over a decade. In 2010, Golisano provided funds to establish the Golisano School, which expanded services for children with autism. In 2012, the organization completed the $22.5 million “Coming Home Campaign,” opening the Tom Golisano Center for Autism, a state-of-the-art facility offering specialized care and support for people with autism.…


Utica Native Tells Personal Story Via Film

Bass grew up in Utica during the 1960s, where he believed his dream to become a filmmaker was only that, a dream. However, his mother, Juanita (Holmes) Bass, helped make that dream a reality by encouraging her son and fueling his drive, telling him, “Not only do you want to do it, you’re going to do it!”…


KENNEDY: Springbrook Thanks County for its Help

Letter from Patricia Kennedy Springbrook Thanks County for its Help On November 15, New York State announced more than $33 million in Community Development Block Grant funding, awarded to dozens of municipalities for local infrastructure improvement and housing rehabilitation projects. Otsego County and Springbrook applied for and received a $300,000.00 grant for CDBG funds which will go toward the development and implementation of safety fencing around the perimeter of the main campus, the location of The School at Springbrook and…


News from the Noteworthy: Celebrate Fall in Many Ways

News from the Noteworthy Celebrate Fall in Many Ways The beauty of fall—as it ushers us from the heat and activity of summer to the chill and serenity of winter—is celebratory and full of hope. Fall does not meekly transition; it sings out with color as it triumphantly faces winter. With our magnificent landscape’s celebration on full display, I have recently thought about how much our community has to celebrate. On Friday, October 14, Dr. Alberto J.F. Cardelle will be…


Cooperstown softball teams hold autism awareness walk

Cooperstown softball teams hold autism awareness walk By GREG KLEIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN– Cooperstown’s softball players organized a 2.5 mile walk around the village Wednesday, April 28, to raise money and awareness for autism. About 30 softball players, including modified, junior varsity and varsity players, walked from Cooperstown’s middle/high school to Main Street and back. They were joined by teachers, coaches, parents and one of their classmates who is on the autism spectrum, junior Kai Boulet, who led…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 The Future Of Invasive Species In Otsego County ANGEL TREE PROGRAM – Give the Gift of Christmas this holiday season. Adopt a family in need. Visit to learn how. BE INFORMED – 6:30 – 8 p.m. Learn about past, present, future of 2 invasive species in Otsego County. Research Specialist Holly Waterfield presents ‘A Decade of Zebra Mussels: Impacts & Challenges in Otsego Lake.’ Director of Ecological Research Institute Dr. Jonathan Rosenthal presents ‘Emerald Ash Borer:…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, APRIL 7 Disney’s ‘High School Musical’ At OHS MUSICAL – 7 p.m. Bring the family out for this presentation of Disney’s “High School Musical.” Bring school supplies to donate and half the proceeds of the show go to the Family Service Association “Back to School” drive. Oneonta High School Auditorium, 31 Center Street, Oneonta. Info, ART EXHIBIT RECEPTION – 5-8 p.m. Exhibits “Within The Happy Crowd,” by Kate Shannon and “Icelandic Images,” by Bret Delanoy opens at…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, APRIL 2 Spring Music & Crafts SPRING CRAFT SHOW – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Come find unique items for gifts from the many vendors. Includes drawings for door prizes and a basket raffle. FoxCare Center, 1 FoxCare Drive, Oneonta. VIOLIN RECITAL – 1 p.m. Performance by Imad Rajib Altaha with free will offering to benefit the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees. Mr. Altaha received his Bachelor of Music Arts from Bagdad Univeristy in 1994 and has played the…