
Averill Road Cooperstown


Averill Road Activity

Averill Road Activity COOPERSTOWN—Not much has happened at the Village of Cooperstown Averill Road site since April 6, when Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan ruled the Templeton Foundation could proceed with geotechnical testing contingent upon New York State Department of Environmental Conservation compliance. Today, however, there were workers on-site chipping brush and branches, and hauling lumber from the property. Templeton’s proposed housing project, which has been the subject of two lawsuits to date, is intended for…


Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court

Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court Templeton Foundation To Proceed with Geotechnical Testing Contingent Upon DEC Compliance By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE Following 90 minutes of oral argument on Thursday, April 6, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan has determined that the Templeton Foundation can move forward with geotechnical testing on its property at Averill Road in Cooperstown, in order to understand the subsurface conditions of the potential development site. However, in order to do so, Templeton…