averill road project – All Otsego


averill road project


Housing Project Goes Back to Drawing Board

Housing Project Goes Back to Drawing Board Changes in disturbed acreage, litigation stall project plans By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWNFurther development of the proposed Bassett Hospital Averill Road housing project, for which the Cooperstown Board of Trustees had issued a special permit on January 5, has been stalled due to litigation instituted by adjacent property owners. On January 18, 2023, Michael Swatling and Carolyn O’Brien filed a petition in the Madison County Supreme Court in which they alleged that the Cooperstown Board…


Bassett Housing Project Discussed

Bassett Housing Project Discussed By CASPAR EWIG COOPERSTOWN – Bassett Hospital’s proposal to build housing for its employees on Averill Road, on property owned by the Templeton Foundation, was the subject of a public hearing before Cooperstown’s Board of Trustees on January 5. That hearing was in conjunction with the board voting on whether a special permit to allow the construction should be granted and, if granted, under what conditions or limitations. The hearing had attracted interest and was well…