Barbara Jean Morris – All Otsego


Barbara Jean Morris


In Places Like Oneonta, Town Needs Gown And Vice Versa

EDITORIAL In Places Like Oneonta, Town Needs Gown, Vice-Versa Both college presidents, SUNY Oneonta’s Nancy Kleniewski and Hartwick’s Margaret Drugovich, were key members of the City of Oneonta’s DRI committee. It was formed in 2015 to figure out how best to spent $10 million provided by Governor Cuomo’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative. The committee, no doubt, benefited mightily from both leaders’ wisdom, experience working within institutions and calm demeanors; no bomb-throwers there. In turn, Kleniewski and Drugovich likewise benefited, no doubt,…


New SUNY Oneonta President: We Need To Speak ‘Frankly’

BARBARA JEAN MORRIS OUT New SUNY Oneonta President: We Need To Speak ‘Frankly’ Dennis Craig Aims To Apply Lessons Learned At Purchase By JIM KEVLIN & LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – With the resignation of Dr. Barbara Jean Morris, new SUNY Oneonta interim president Dennis Craig is ready to hear both the good and the bad about how the campus can recover from the COVID-19 outbreak that infected more than 700 students less than week after classes…


9-10-20 Drugovich’s Hard Line Contrasts With Morris’

COVID RETREATS Drugovich’s Hard Line Contrasts With Morris’ By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Hartwick College Margaret Drugovich has a message for students unhappy with the school’s stringent COVID-19 code of conduct. “We’re asking the students who don’t want to follow our rules to volunteer to leave campus,” said Drugovich during a meeting of Mayor Gary Herzig’s Oneonta Control Room on Monday, Sept. 7. “As hard as it is to say, if you violate our rules, you have…


No Cases In City; SUNY Slows At 701

COVID RETREATS No Cases In City; SUNY Slows At 701 By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Finally, some good news in the COVID-19 outbreak. “From what I can see, there is no community transmission,” Heidi Bond, public health director, Otsego County Department of Health, said Tuesday, Sept. 8, as the daily infections on SUNY Oneonta dropped to 16 from the Friday, Sept. 4, peak of 134. Beginning Wednesday, Sept. 2, nearly 2,000 rapid tests were conducted at the…


At SUNY, It’s Partying; At Hartwick, Trespassing

2 PRESIDENTS AT ODDS At SUNY, It’s Partying; At Hartwick, Trespassing By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – A photo circulating on social media, purportedly showing a party underway in SUNY Oneonta’s isolation dorm over the weekend, prompted a conversation about the differences in how SUNY and Hartwick colleges are handling the COVID-19 outbreak and quarantines. “I’m concerned by this photo,” said Council member David Rissberger, Third Ward, during the second of Mayor Gary Herzig’s Oneonta Control Room…


‘Full Transition Plan’ Must Export 3,000 ‘Safely, Effectively’

MALATRAS SHUTS SUNY-O ‘Full Transition Plan’ Must Export 3,000 ‘Safely, Effectively’ By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – After 100 students tested positive overnight to COVID-19, SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras returned to the campus for the third time in five days to announce he’s closing SUNY Oneonta for the fall semester, shifting all instruction online. “We will address the spring semester at a later time,” he added. In a 2 p.m. press conference next to the Chase Gym…


‘Super Spreader’ Caused Outbreak, Morris Tells Reps

CLICK TO HEAR SUNY PRESIDENT ‘Super Spreader’ Caused Outbreak, Morris Tells Reps DOH’s Bond: ‘It Spread Like Wildfire’; SUNY Cases May Hit 450, Lapin Says By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – The “super spreader” did it. There have been large parties, even larger, at other SUNY campuses, campus President Barbara Jean Morris told the county Board of Representatives this morning. The difference here was the one individual – a “Typhoid Mary” of COVID-19, as county Rep. Danny…

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