Barbara Jean Morris – Page 4 – All Otsego


Barbara Jean Morris - Page 4


Strategic Planning Getting Underway At SUNY Oneonta

MISSION STATEMENT FIRST STEP Strategic Planning Getting Underway At SUNY Oneonta By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – SUNY Oneonta’s new 13-word mission statement, released Tuesday, is almost immediately being followed by a process to create a new five-year strategic plan for the college by January, according to President Barbara Jean Morris’ spokesman, Hal Legg. With this Saturday’s commencement behind her, the president will convene a meeting of her cabinet May 23 in the campus Welcome Center to…


‘Grow Intellectually, ‘Thrive Socially and ‘Live Purposefully’

‘Grow Intellectually, ‘Thrive Socially and ‘Live Purposefully’ New SUNY Oneonta President Reduces Mission To 13 Words ONEONTA – In campus-wide video, SUNY Oneonta President Barbara Jean Morris today announced the campus’ new mission statement: “We nurture a community where students grow intellectually, thrive socially and live purposefully.” In an email to the campus, Morris said the mission arose through a series of “hackathons” during the spring semester.  A hackthon is a term used to collaboratively develop software packages.…


Administrator From Colorado To Lead Campus

IN OWN WORDS, SUNY ONEONTA’S PRESIDENT EXPRESSES DELIGHT ADMINISTRATOR FROM COLORADO NEW PRESIDENT For Exclusive Interview, See This Week’s Hometown Oneonta ONEONTA – The State University of New York Board of Trustees today appointed Dr. Barbara Jean Morris, a higher-education administrator from Colorado, as SUNY Oneonta president, effective July 1. She succeeds Nancy Kleniewski, president since 2008, a student-centric administrator who also reorganized the college under five deans, and implemented an energetic program of construction and renovation that transformed the…