Barnyard Swing – All Otsego


Barnyard Swing



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 4 Pride Festival at Barnyard Swing FAMILY PRIDE DAY  – Noon to 3 p.m. Celebrate Pride month with a festival featuring face painting, spin art, fossil safari and much more, presented by The Barnyard Swing, 4604 State Highway 28, Milford. Visit PLANTING – 1-4 p.m. Join Otsego Land Trust to beautify the gardens at Brookwood Point, 6000 New York State 80, Cooperstown. (607) 547-2366 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, JULY 22 Folk Music with the Franklin Stage Company MUSIC – 7:30 p.m. The Vicki Kristina Barcelona Band performs a re-imagining of the lyrical genius of the Tom Waits songbook via inventive three-part harmonies and a treasure trove of instruments including banjos, bottles, squeezebox, and zills. Free admission. Franklin Stage Company, 25 Institute St., Franklin. 607-829-3700 or visit…


Need help with child care? Find help at the Barnyard Swing

Need help with child care? Find help at the Barnyard Swing Local child care providers will get together at The Barnyard Swing in Hartwick Seminary on Saturday, May 21, to let area families know more about the services they provide, and enjoy a day of talking and meeting about their profession. The ‘Spring Swing Child Care Professionals Appreciation Celebration’ — an idea that arose from a discussion at a winter women’s group meeting with the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce…


Bobcat Kittens Close Barnyard Swing

Wild Bobcat Kittens Close Barnyard Swing Stay Away, Conservation Officers Advise, But Attraction Aims To Open Mother’s Day By PARKER FISH • Special to HARTWICK SEMINARY – Barnyard Swing owner Marcy Birch closed the attraction today on the advice  of state conservation officers after a litter of bobcats was found in an outbuilding. Alerted by a group of youngsters, Birch investigated and found the little bobcats on a bed of hay in a back corner.…