Bassett Hospital – Page 2 – All Otsego


Bassett Hospital - Page 2

In Memoriam: Olin L. Benedict Jr.

WEST ONEONTA—Olin L. Benedict Jr. of West Oneonta passed away after a short illness at his home, with his loving wife by his side, on December 11, 2023.
Olin was born March 16, 1952 to Elnora (Griggs) Benedict and Olin L. Benedict Sr. of Middletown.
He worked at the “Times Herald Record” before relocating to work at “The Daily Star” and retiring there in 2011. He continued to work for Covidian, Bassett Hospital and Fox Hospital until he fully retired.…

In Memoriam: Rita M. Olson

PIERRE, SD—Rita Marie (Shipp) Olson, 91, of Pierre, South Dakota passed away October 19, 2023 with family by her side.
Rita was born in Paola, Kansas in 1932, the daughter of Glenn and Flossie DeMoss Shipp, joining an older sister Barbara. Fond childhood memories she shared included times spent with cousins at her grandparent’s farm near Paola. Stories of her teenage years often involved cruising town with her girlfriends in a Ford Model A rumble seat car, or helping prepare dinner…

In Memoriam: David Sohmer Svahn

DOYLESTOWN, PA—David Sohmer Svahn, retired physician and educator, has died. He was 84 years old. David lived most recently in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, having moved from Cooperstown, New York in 2009 where he had lived for 37 years. David is survived by his wife of nearly 60 years, Karin Elmqvist Svahn; his three children, Anna and Jennifer (husband Jeff Nicastro), both of New York City, and Jonathan (wife Tiffany Svahn) of Orinda, California. David also leaves four beloved grandchildren,…

In Memoriam: Rosemary Ann Rogers

Rosemary Ann Rogers of Cooperstown passed peacefully in her home in Suffield, Connecticut on April 15, 2023. She was born on November 18, 1942 to parents Donald J. Washburn and Mazie L. Washburn.…


In Memoriam Maria Tripp, 86 February 15, 1937 – May 9, 2023

In Memoriam Maria Tripp, 86 February 15, 1937 – May 9, 2023 COOPERSTOWN—With the love of her husband, Wendell, her family, and her many friends in her heart, Maria Tripp of Cooperstown passed away at Bassett Hospital on May 9 after a brief illness. She leaves a robust legacy of love, kindness and affection that will live on through all who knew her. Maria was born to Hector and Popi Kontinou on February 15, 1937 in Athens, Greece. She endured…


In Memoriam Carole Nunamaker Tinklepaugh 1945-2023

In Memoriam Carole N. Tinklepaugh 1945-2023 ROCK HALL, MD—Carole Nunamaker Tinklepaugh, MD, age 78, of Rock Hall, Maryland passed away with her family at her side on Monday, April 10, 2023. The cause of death was lung cancer. Carole was one of four children born to John and Mildred (McFarling) Nunamaker in Indianapolis, Indiana. She knew from an early age she wanted to be a physician. Carole studied at Purdue University, then became the first in her immediate family to…


Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court

Averill Road Parties Have Day in Court Templeton Foundation To Proceed with Geotechnical Testing Contingent Upon DEC Compliance By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE Following 90 minutes of oral argument on Thursday, April 6, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan has determined that the Templeton Foundation can move forward with geotechnical testing on its property at Averill Road in Cooperstown, in order to understand the subsurface conditions of the potential development site. However, in order to do so, Templeton…


Averill Road Case To Be Heard Next Thursday

Averill Road Case To Be HeardNext Thursday By DARLA M. YOUNGSWAMPSVILLE On Thursday, March 23, Madison County Supreme Court Justice Hon. Patrick J. O’Sullivan issued a temporary restraining order preventing Templeton Foundation or its agents from any further on-site work at the foundation’s property on Averill Road in the Village of Cooperstown. An order to show cause is a court order or the demand of a judge requiring a party to justify or explain why the court should or should not grant a motion or a relief,…


Stroke Awareness, Prevention Is Important

Bassett At 100 Stroke Awareness, Prevention Is Important By DR. TOMMY IBRAHIM Dear Friends, Neighbors and Colleagues, Since February is National Heart Health Month, I’d like to focus this column on cardiovascular health—specifically on stroke awareness and prevention. Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke, making it the most common cause of paralysis and the fifth leading cause of death in this country. What’s even more startling is that the stroke rate has gone up among…


Housing Project Goes Back to Drawing Board

Housing Project Goes Back to Drawing Board Changes in disturbed acreage, litigation stall project plans By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWNFurther development of the proposed Bassett Hospital Averill Road housing project, for which the Cooperstown Board of Trustees had issued a special permit on January 5, has been stalled due to litigation instituted by adjacent property owners. On January 18, 2023, Michael Swatling and Carolyn O’Brien filed a petition in the Madison County Supreme Court in which they alleged that the Cooperstown Board…