Bassett Research Institute – All Otsego


Bassett Research Institute


Bassett Thinks Globally, Acts Locally with International Partnership with Sweden’s Umėa University

Bassett Healthcare Network announced on Thursday, August 24 that Bassett Research Institute has hosted a week-long symposium to build upon the successes of its partnership with Umeå University’s Department of Epidemiology and Global Health. Umeå University is one of Sweden's largest institutions of higher education, with more than 34,000 students and 4,000 faculty and staff.…


In Memoriam Maria Tripp, 86 February 15, 1937 – May 9, 2023

In Memoriam Maria Tripp, 86 February 15, 1937 – May 9, 2023 COOPERSTOWN—With the love of her husband, Wendell, her family, and her many friends in her heart, Maria Tripp of Cooperstown passed away at Bassett Hospital on May 9 after a brief illness. She leaves a robust legacy of love, kindness and affection that will live on through all who knew her. Maria was born to Hector and Popi Kontinou on February 15, 1937 in Athens, Greece. She endured…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JUNE 9 Exhibit ‘Broadway Revealed’ EXHIBIT – 3 p.m. The exhibit, “Broadway Revealed: Behind the Theater Curtain,” showcases Broadway productions in photographs by Greater Oneonta Historical Society’s members. Free. Anderson’s Foreman Gallery at Hartwick College. 1 Hartwick Dr, Oneonta, Info,…


Dr. Gadomski Honored By State For Work With Transgender Youth

State Honors Dr. Gadomski  For Tending Transgender Youth COOPERSTOWN – Pediatrician Anne Gadomski, Bassett Research Institute director, was given the World AIDS Day New York Commissioner’s Special Recognition for establishing the first rural pediatric registry for transgender and gender nonconforming youth in New York State. “There is not a lot of evidence to help inform clinical care of transgender and gender non-conforming youth, particularly for rural areas,” she said.…