bats – All Otsego




County Offers Advice on Safe Bat Handling

In an effort to combat potential human and pet exposure to a possibly infected bat, the Otsego County Rabies Information and Statistics webpage directs people to an informative, three-minute, 10-second video produced by the Minnesota Department of Health about how you can safely remove a bat from your living space.…


Editorial: Batting Up

Here in New York, there are nine species of bats. Six of these live and hibernate in multi-populous colonies, in caves; three live outside, individually, upside down in trees, and migrate to warmer latitudes in the winter; all of our bats are microbats—insect-eating echolocators. In Otsego County, the little brown bat is the most common.…


2 In Cooperstown Tested For Rabies After Bat Infected

2 In Cooperstown Tested For Rabies After Bat Infected COOPERSTOWN – A bat tested positive for rabies in Cooperstown Friday, and two people were exposed and are being tested, the county Health Department reported today. A bite from a rabid animal can be fatal, and the health department is cautioning people to say away from stray or wild animals, and make sure their children do, too.…