Beer – All Otsego




Cooperstown brewmaster teams up with Troy Aikman

Cooperstown brewmaster teams up with Troy Aikman By Ted Potrikus Add one award-winning Master Brewer and one Football Hall-of-Famer to make eight — EIGHT beer, that is, a joint project of Cooperstown’s Phil Leinhart and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman that jumps into the jam-packed craft beer market later this year. It’s a brew more than two years in the making, Mr. Leinhart said, made with no sugar and featuring Hallertau Taurus hops. “They’re a variety of Bavarian-growth hops…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JULY 22 Oneonta Restaurants: Remembering The Favorites SUNDAY SERIES – 1 – 3 p.m. Learn about “Oneonta’s Restaurants: Memories of Former Favorites” with Big Chuck and Leslie Ann. Swart-Wilcox House Museum, Wilcox Ave., Oneonta. TRIBUTE – 5:30 p.m. Celebrate our veterans with Eric Owens performing anthems such as “Over There,” “We’ll Meet Again,” “Goodnight Saigon,” more. Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 St. Hwy. 80, Cooperstown. 607-547-2255 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SUNDAY, JULY 1 Springfield Appreciation, Season Preview Concert PREVIEW – 3 p.m. Concert previewing the 2018 season. Benefit for Springfield Center 4th of July Committee. Tickets available at Country Memories, Tom & Kelly’s. Glimmerglass Festival, 7300 St. Hwy 80, Cooperstown. Call 315-858-2691 or visit ANTI-RENT WAR – 2 p.m. Enjoy performances by the Templeton Players depicting the Anti-Rent Movement. Included with museum admission. The Farmers’ Museum, Cooperstown. Call 607-547-1450 or visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for FRIDAY, FEB.23 Boat Night At The Y FLOAT NIGHT – 6:45 – 8:30 p.m. Make a boat with the family and race it in the pool. All supplies provided. All welcome if accompanied by a YMCA member. Oneonta YMCA, 20-26 Ford Ave., Oneonta. Call 607-432-0010 or visit THEATER – 7:30 p.m. SUNY Oneonta Theater dept. presents “Barefoot in the Park,” a romantic comedy about a newlywed couples emerging life in NYC. Admission, $5/person. Hamblin Theater, SUNY Oneonta. Visit…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, AUG. 19 Visit With History CIVIL WAR REENACTMENT – 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Experience a civil war encampment with the 125th and 61st New York Regiments. Includes Civil War weaponry, tactics, drills, and firing demonstrations. Also a concert and a battle reenactment. Hyde Hall, 267 Glimmerglass State Park, Cooperstown. Call (607) 547-5098 or visit HOPS FESTIVAL – 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Learn and celebrate the local history of hops in the Cooperstown area. Includes family friendly activities, an exhibit,…


10 Local Brews Sampled At 6th Ward Tasting Event

10 Local Brews Sampled At 6th Ward Tasting Event Todd Snelson, Oneonta, above, left, pours glasses of his New York Maple Imperial Pilsner for Robin Haddock, Judy Tator and April Gates at a tasting event Saturday to raise funds for the Sixth Ward Athletic Club. The event featured 10 locally brewed beers made especially for the event by the Homebrewers of Oneonta Proper Society (HOPS).  Matthew Brown, right, Oneonta, won first place in both the Public vote and the Brewer’s…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, MAY 6 Festival In The Park SPRING FEST – 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Features music and events including the Ross Park Zoomobile and a Fishing Derby by Trout Unlimited. Copes Corner Park, on Rte. 51 between Gilbertsville and Mt. Upton. Info, FLOWER SHOW – 5-7 p.m. Opening reception of The Cherry Valley Flower Show on display to June 4. The Cherry Branch Gallery, 25 Main St., Cherry Valley. Info, call (607)264-9530 or email or visit…


Seward Brings $1/4 Million To Beverage Center Opening

Seward Brings $1/4 Million To Beverage Center Opening Hartwick College Cuts Ribbon On New Center ONEONTA – Saying “I thought I should buy the next round,” state Sen. Jim Seward,  R-Milford, brought a $250,000 check to today’s grand open of Hartwick College’s Center for Craft Food & Beverage. In announcing the legislative grant in a ceremony in the Johnstone Science Building, Seward called the center “a one of kind resource for existing businesses and budding entrepreneurs that will help develop…