Bill Crankshaw – All Otsego


Bill Crankshaw


New CCS Superintendent Arrives

New CCS Superintendent Arrives TV Spot Piqued Educator’s Interest By JIM KEVLIN • Special to Kismet? Focused on finishing her doctorate, Sarah Spross, an assistant commissioner in Maryland’s Department of Education, drove up last summer and closeted herself at Cooperstown’s Landmark Inn. On Aug. 28, she turned on the TV and saw the news: Bill Crankshaw, Cooperstown Central School superintendent since 2016, had resigned to return to his hometown and the Greater Johnstown School District. It clicked, and Monday,…


Laurens Superintendent To Fill Interim Position At Cooperstown Central

READ PROFILE OF CCS INTERIM SUPER Laurens Superintendent To Fill Interim Position At Cooperstown Central Romona Wenck Begins Duties On Oct. 1 By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Bill Crankshaw will be leaving Cooperstown’s school superintendent post Sept. 30.  On Oct. 1, he will be succeeded as interim super by Romona N. Wenck, who retired last summer from Laurens Central as the longest-serving superintendent in Otsego County. “We’re very fortunate to have her,” said CCS board President…


Crankshaw Returns To His Roots

Crankshaw Returns To His Roots By JIM KEVLIN • Special to COOPERSTOWN – When he was in first grade in the Greater Johnstown School District, young Bill Crankshaw counted to 100, and Mrs. Ruby Walter, his teacher, celebrated by singing “How Much Is That Doggy in the Window.” In second grade, Mrs. Greco made sure his samples of cursive writing were submitted every time there was a contest. His penmanship usually won. In third grade, Mrs. Ramsay enrolled him…


Bill Crankshaw Is Going Home To Johnstown

Bill Crankshaw Is Going Home To Johnstown CCS Superintendent Since 2016 COOPERSTOWN – Cooperstown Central School Superintendent Bill Crankshaw, here since 2016, is returning to his hometown as superintendent of the Greater Johnstown School District. Crankshaw was appointed by the Johnstown board last night during a special meeting.  Under a five-year contract, he’s set to officially assume the duties as the Johnstown superintendent on Dec. 1 or earlier, pending arrangements with Cooperstown, according to the announcement.…


CCS Will Delay School Opening A Month To 10/5

CLICK FOR REOPENING PLAN CLICK TO JOIN ZOOM BRIEFING CCS Will Delay School Opening A Month To 10/5 COOPERSTOWN  – The opening of Cooperstown public schools has been pushed back a month, parents and citizens participating at this morning’s Zoom meeting on the reopening plan were advised. At-home instruction will be offered from Sept. 9, when schools were supposed to open, until Friday, Oct. 2; then current plans are for students to return to class that Monday, Oct. 5, said…


By Mistake, Governor Puts CCS On Tardy List

SCHOOL REFINES REOPENING By Mistake, Governor Puts CCS On Tardy List By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to COOPERSTOWN – Cooperstown School Superintendent Bill Crankshaw couldn’t believe it when he saw CCS on Governor Cuomo’s list of 107 schools that had not yet sent in their re-opening plan. “Professionally, I’m offended,” he said. “There was a flaw in the submission process, and no school wants to be publicly shamed for a mistake.” According to Crankshaw, the school board, after filing…


CCS 2020-21 Budget OK’d By Wide Margin

CCS 2020-21 Budget OK’d By Wide Margin 1st Vote Solely By Absentee Ballot COOPERSTOWN – The 2020-21 CCS budget, conducted by absentee ballot exclusively, passed 1,015 to 348, Superintendent of Schools Bill Crankshaw announced this morning. The special proposition, regarding bus leasing, passed 1,077 to 276. And school board incumbent Gillian Spencer led the ticket in an uncontested election, garnering 1,161 to 1,147 for board President Tim Hayes.…


In COVID Era, Moms Salute CCS Grads 

In COVID-19 Era, Moms Salute CCS Grads By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special To COOPERSTOWN – Wendy Kiuber wants to make sure that no Cooperstown senior goes unrecognized. “As the Governor keeps extending the closures, all the parents of the seniors were just trying to figure out what we could do to support them,” said a school board member and the mother of Lady Hawkeye senior Ashley Kiuber. She is being helped by Colleen Donnelly, mother of Kate Donnelly, another…


Superintendents Ponder When, If Schools Reopen

IN TIME OF CORONAVIRUS Superintendents Ponder When, If Schools Reopen By ELIZABETH COOPER • Special to With schools closed at least until April 29, Otsego County superintendents are planning for the possibility of a longer-term closure. “Everyone is trying their best under very difficult circumstances,” said ONC BOCES Superintendent Nicholas Savin. “You have that tension of planning and doing the best for the students, with the thought of, ‘When are you planning to…?’” Upstate, coronavirus cases have started to…