


NORTHRUP: Many Owe Their Lives To Muslim Immigrants

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Many Owe Their Lives To Muslim Immigrants To the Editor: The COVID vaccine I got today was invented by a husband and wife team of Turkish Muslim immigrants. They live modestly in an apartment and ride their bicycles to work at their company, BioNTech. They were the first to decode the C-19 virus and developed the vaccine made by Pfizer. So, like many people the world over, I owe my life to a Turk. Maybe you…


STERNBERG: Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray

LETTER from RICHARD STERNBERG Vaccines, Part I: Pfizer Into The Fray Many people have asked me to explain vaccines to them, and specifically the ones for COVID-19. They are most concerned with how they work, when they will be available, and if they will be safe. Hopefully, this column will help. The terms vaccine and vaccination derive from the Latin name Variola vaccinae, which means small pox of the cow. Vacca is Latin for cow. The term vaccine was first…