board of trustees – All Otsego


board of trustees


Waller: Bauer’s Vote Was Brave

Personal courage and a brave stand was exhibited by Village Trustee Hanna Bauer this week with her vote on the controversial banner proposal. Hanna has expressed her reasoning and it is sound, but she could have also decided to vote the other way if her thoughts were of that direction. This was a very complex and emotional issue.…


Four County Library System Seeks Trustee

A vacancy exists for one person from Otsego County with a strong interest in supporting, improving and advocating for library services across the region. Applicants must have a primary residence in Otsego County and have a strong interest in public library services, technology and customer service, and the nonprofit sector.…


Village Democrats pick March slate as one trustee seeks to move future elections to November

Village Democrats pick March slate as one trustee seeks to move future elections to November By Ted Potrikus Cooperstown’s upcoming mayoral and trustee elections take place this year on March 15, but if one village trustee has his way, subsequent year voting would move to align with general elections held in November. Trustee MacGuire Benton says he wants the date change to expand voter access as “democracy comes under attack across America.” “Right now village residents can vote from noon…


Cooperstown: dispensaries, yes; lounges, not yet

Cooperstown: dispensaries, yes; lounges, not yet Cooperstown: In on dispensaries, out on on-site “consumption lounges.” By not voting on a measure that would find the village opting out of allowing retail marijuana dispensaries, trustees defaulted on December 20 to an automatic opt in that would allow the siting of dispensaries within village limits once New York State establishes its regulatory framework. Separating dispensaries from on-site “consumption lounges,” the Board voted 5-2 to opt out of permitting locations within the village…


Editorial: Opt out, for now

Editorial: Opt out, for now “Now. Before I begin the lesson, will those of you who are playing in the match this afternoon move your clothes down onto the lower peg immediately after lunch, before you write your letter home, if you’re not getting your hair cut, unless you’ve got a younger brother who is going out this weekend as the guest of another boy, in which case, collect his note before lunch, put it in your letter after you’ve…


Margaret Drugovich, president of Hartwick College, to retire in summer 2022

Margaret Drugovich, president of Hartwick College, to retire in summer 2022 Staff Report • Special to The Hartwick College Board of Trustees announced Monday, Sept. 13, that Margaret Drugovich, president of the college, will retire in the summer of 2022. The exact departure date will be determined at a later time by the board.…


Dr. Alberto Jose Cardelle appointed SUNY Oneonta President

Dr. Alberto Jose Cardelle appointed SUNY Oneonta President STAFF REPORT • Special to SUNY announced that Dr. Alberto Jose Cardelle would be appointed SUNY Oneonta President on Tuesday, July 20. This appointment is effective Sept. 6. “From our first meeting with Dr. Cardelle, I was impressed, and the entire search committee was unanimous that he would be the ideal candidate for SUNY Oneonta,” SUNY Board Vice Chairman Cesar Perales, said in a press release. “His abilities go beyond his…


FALK: ‘It Takes A Village Moment’ Inspires Candidate Falk

LETTER from CINDY FALK ‘It Takes A Village Moment’ Inspires Candidate Falk To the Editor: Saturday I had one of those “It Takes a Village” moments. I offered a ride to a friend to the vaccination clinic at the Clark Sports Center. Sitting with her in a folding chair on the gym floor, I remembered just how special our community is. We have a teaching hospital right here in Cooperstown, we have an amazing recreational facility and, most important, we…

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