bob wood – All Otsego


bob wood


Water Plant Done, Is One Greater Oneonta Inevitable?

EDITORIAL Water Plant Done, Is One Greater Oneonta Inevitable? Bob Wood was dealt a winning hand when elected Oneonta town supervisor in 2008, and he played the hand well. He announced his retirement last Friday, March 5 – 299 days to go until Dec. 31, he said – and expressed satisfaction that $12 million in projects – $3-plus million for a new town highway garage and $8-plus million for the long-awaited Southside water project – will be completed by the…


Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside

Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside By JIM KEVLIN • Special to By the time he retires on Dec. 31, the Town of Oneonta’s municipal water system will be complete, and condos and houses on Southside Drive will be emerging, veteran Town Supervisor Bob Wood is predicting. Simply, “the city does not have any more available land,” said Wood in an interview Friday, March 5, on announcing his retirement. A handful of developers have already…



BOB WOOD TO RETIRE After 27 Years Of Public Service, Veteran Oneonta Supervisor To Serve Out His Term ALL DETAILS OF BOB WOOD’S LIFE, CAREER IN NEXT WEEK’S HOMETOWN ONEONTA…


Only Oneonta Has 2 Trees Chosen By Rockefeller Center

SPRUCE HEADS TO NYC THURSDAY Only Oneonta Has 2 Trees Chosen By Rockefeller Center By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to WEST ONEONTA – Supervisor Bob Wood doesn’t want to brag, but there really is something special about the Town of Oneonta. “From my understanding, it’s the first time they’ve selected two trees from one community,” said Wood. “The rumor is they wanted it four years ago, but it wasn’t quite big enough.” With the 75-foot-tall Norway Spruce on “Daddy…


Energy Task Force Goal: To Avoid Us Vs. Them

from the ENERGY TASK FORCE Energy Task Force Goal: To Avoid Us Vs. Them To the Editor: Your June 20-21 editorial on the Otsego County Energy Taskforce ends with the sentence: “We’re all in this together.” We on the Taskforce Leadership Committee couldn’t agree more. But the editorial’s main assertion that the business community has been shut out of the process is not based on fact and includes inaccuracies and unhelpful hypotheticals that need to be corrected. Chief among these…


Southside May Become Center of Renewable Energy

Town May Follow City’s Suit Southside Could Become Geothermal Energy Center Jay Egg, CEO, Geo Egg, inset photo, speaks about heating Southside Mall with geothermal energy at a packed Oneonta Town Board meeting this evening in West Oneonta, as Town Board member Randal Mowers listens.  “The writing is on the wall,” Egg said about future energy use.  Municipalities and counties like Westchester are already declaring moratoriums on expanding natural-gas use while the state is green-lighting renewable energy.  The Town of…


Energy Taskforce Sets Out Ambitious Plan in First Meeting

Energy Taskforce Sets Out Ambitious Plan in 1st Meeting by JENNIFER HILL • Special to WEST ONEONTA – In the first convening of the 38-member Otsego County Energy Taskforce Town Hall Wednesday evening, County Board Rep. Meg Kennedy, a founder of the group, announced its end goal: an ambitious plan “that will address the current and future energy needs of Otsego County” by October 2020. Calling the plan’s timeline “ambitious,” Kennedy said the Taskforce aimed to complete a draft of the…


Town Board: Unanimous No On Compressor Station Grant

It’s Unanimous: Town Board Rejects Gas Decompressor By JENNIFER HILL • Special to ONEONTA – At the urging of Otsego 2000 and 40 people who showed up at its monthly meeting, the Oneonta Town Board last night unanimously voted to oppose a $3.5 million state grant application for a gas decompression station at Pony Farm. “No member of the Town Board is in favor of the decompressor gas station,” declared Supervisor Bob Wood at the start of the meeting.…


Public Hearing 11/14 On New Fire District

Public Hearing 11/14 On New Fire District Agreement Wood, Herzig Reached Ups Ratepayer Fees By 1.8 Percent By JIM KEVLIN • Special to WEST ONEONTA – The Oneonta Town Board has scheduled a public hearing for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, after which it can vote to create a new fire district, ending more than two years of uncertainty on whether 80 percent of the town would continue to be served by the city’s paid, fulltime Oneonta Fire Department.…

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