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2 ONEONTAS REACH 5-YEAR FIRE PACT Council, Town Board Must Adopt Agreement By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Town Supervisor Bob Wood and Mayor Gary Herzig met this morning to propose a five-year fire contract, with the town paying $1.15 million in 2019. “It wasn’t a difficult thing,” said Wood. “The current contract of $1.1 million had no formula in place, so we looked at a modified version of the old formula to come up with this…



WOOD VOWS TO SUE FIRE BOARD EXTINGUISHES FIRE BOARD For Now, Negotiations With City For OFD Protection In Town Over By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – The Town of Oneonta Fire District is no more, (at least for now.) As expected, Chairman Johna Peachin and her allies, Fire Commissioners Fred Volpe and Ron Peters, this evening voted for the dissolution, while the two new commissioners, Al Rubin and Michelle Catan, voted against. Though no public comment was…


Again, Fire Board Will Try To Dissolve; Town Says It’ll Sue To Stop It

Again, Fire Board Will Try To Dissolve; Town Says It’ll Sue To Stop It Supervisor Wood Says 12-15 Months Needed To Allow For Orderly Transition Of Duties By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – Failing to vote to dissolve last night in the face of objections from the audience, the Town of Oneonta’s Board of Fire Commissioners is planning to meet again tomorrow evening to try again. The commissioners have scheduled a meeting for 6 p.m. Thursday at…


Fire Commissioners To City: Let’s Talk

Fire Commissioner To City: Let’s Talk By CATHY KOPLEN NARDI • Special to ONEONTA – Following two years of stalemate, the Town of Oneonta Fire Commission reached out to the City of Oneonta to re-open talks about the contract with the town Fire District. “We feel the contract is very important,” said Town Supervisor Bob Wood said. “We would like to encourage you to talk, especially with Commissioner (Al) Rubin. He has expressed a strong intention in finding a…


A Good Idea From Fire Commissioners: Dissolve, Let Town Negotiate OFD Pact

Editorial for August 31, 2018 A Good Idea From Fire Commissioners: Dissolve, Let Town Negotiate OFD Pact When one least expects it, a breakthrough. The Town of Oneonta’s Board of Fire Commissioners has voted, 3-2, to set a hearing to consider dissolving. The vote could come at the end of the hearing, scheduled at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18, at Elm Park Methodist Church. Good idea. About time. If the fire district is dissolved, a “fire zone” continues to exist…



FIRE-PROTECTION BOARD SETS VOTE ON DISSOLUTION Move Would Put Town-City Contract In the Hands Of Oneonta Town Board By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA – With its fire protection contract with the city stymied for three years now, the Town of Oneonta fire commissioners have set a public hearing for 7 p.m. Sept. 18 at Elm Park Church on dissolving the fire district. Town Supervisor Bob Wood, a former fire commissioner himself, today said, as he understands it,…


New Year’s Day Swearings-In Set In Oneonta, Cooperstown

New Year’s Day Swearings-In Set In Oneonta, Cooperstown ONEONTA – Mayor Gary Herzig, Town Supervisor Bob Wood, county board reps and local elected officials will be sworn in for new terms at 1 p.m. Monday, Jan 1., at Hartwick College’s Shineman Chapel.  The new county Democratic chair, Kim Muller, will emcee. Meanwhile, that morning, the new county treasurer, Allen Ruffles, will be sworn in at 11 a.m. at the county courthouse in Cooperstown by county Judge John Lambert.…


Snow Falls as Santa Lights Oneonta Tree

Hundreds Brave Snow As Santa Lights Oneonta Tree With Oneonta Town Supervisor Bob Wood to his left, and Oneonta Mayor Gary Herzig to his right, Santa Claus admires the City of Oneonta’s Christmas Tree just after it was lit this evening in Muller Plaza.  As if scripted in a movie, snow began to fall just as the tree’s lights came on for the very first time.  Christopher Brashear, pictured at right, and the Klipnocky Clangers handbell choir played holiday tunes…


Gas Line Leak Shuts Down Route 23

Gas Leak Shuts Down Route 23 ONEONTA – Route 23 near WalMart was shut down to traffic and residents were evacuated from the Lantern Hill trailer park after workers hit a 6–inch gas line that supplies Southside, Angel Heights and Davenport.…