bobcat – All Otsego




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EXCLUSIVE! XNG Moves Most Rigs Out Of County Candidate Delgado, Gibson Conferred Carleigh Understudy For ‘Cher’ Role Judge Burns’ Book Advises Parents New Renderings Of DD Field Plans Bobcat Attack Leaves 8 Hens Dead EDITORIAL: Delgado For President AVAILABLE AT THESE FINE ESTABLISHMENTS OR TRY FREEMAN’S JOURNAL HOME DELIVERY…


Bobcat Kittens Close Barnyard Swing

Wild Bobcat Kittens Close Barnyard Swing Stay Away, Conservation Officers Advise, But Attraction Aims To Open Mother’s Day By PARKER FISH • Special to HARTWICK SEMINARY – Barnyard Swing owner Marcy Birch closed the attraction today on the advice  of state conservation officers after a litter of bobcats was found in an outbuilding. Alerted by a group of youngsters, Birch investigated and found the little bobcats on a bed of hay in a back corner.…


Is It A Deer?  Is It A Bobcat? A Mountain Lion, Perhaps

Is It A Deer?  Is It A Bobcat? A Mountain Lion, Perhaps FLY CREEK VALLEY – Visiting his parents from Saigon, where he’s now living, Jan Kuzminski Monday, Aug. 21, was taking a walk at dusk on Donlon Road when he observed a deer-colored creature crossing the road ahead. But the animal loped like a cat, and as it vanished into the underbrush, Kuzminski saw a 2-foot-long tail with a black tip, his mother, Antoinette, confirmed a few minutes ago.…