
bound volumes

Bound Volumes: December 19, 2024

185 YEARS AGO: What is a Loco Foco? A democrat, a benevolent, kind-hearted, honest man – a lover of the human race – one who is happy where others are happy – who despises all aristocracy, all tyranny over the minds of men – one who respects the industrious poor man as much as he does the rich man, (and more, if he be more honest) – one in favor of having the workman paid when he has earned his…

Bound Volumes: December 12, 2024

110 YEARS AGO: We must get together. The civilization of American communities has developed to such a degree that each person becomes a cogwheel. No person who calls Cooperstown his home can truthfully say that he lives independently of its civilization. Granting the truth of this statement, then each citizen is obliged to do his or her something for Cooperstown. That something may be embodied in personal work along lines which will lead toward cleaner or better citizenship or in…

Bound Volumes: December 5, 2024

210 YEARS AGO: Martial Hymn by Wm. Ray—Arm! Sons of freedom arm! The British legions come! Blow loud the trumpet of alarm, And roll the thund’ring drum! Fly to repel the foe! Your dearest rights to save—Crush the dire monster at a blow, Ye spirits of the brave! Shall Britons, drunk with blood, Your peaceful shores invade? Shall the fell despots of the flood, Your conquerors be made? Forbid it mighty God! My country, O forbid! No, let us nail…

Bound Volumes: November 28, 2024

160 YEARS AGO: Is the policy of the Administration “Peace” on a fair and liberal basis? The great majority of the people, North and South, earnestly desire Peace; but can the rulers at Washington and Richmond agree on terms? Peace on the basis of the “extermination of slavery” appears to be the program of the Administration. The abandonment of slavery was insisted on by Mr. Lincoln before the election; and now that the people have sustained him at the polls,…

Bound Volumes: November 21, 2024

135 YEARS AGO: More on the Rev. C. Hudson Smith (who, had been pastor, 1883-1885, of the First Presbyterian Church, Cooperstown): Some points deserve to be stated in order to set at rest rumors and conjectures that Mr. Smith may be still alive. The relatives and family friends accept fully the suicide as a fact, and this seems most plainly indicated by a simple circumstance. Mr. Smith was afflicted with astigmatic vision, requiring a peculiar form of lens. These were…

Bound Volumes: November 14, 2024

160 YEARS AGO: Re-Election of Mr. Lincoln—It is probable that Mr. Lincoln—denounced by leading members of his own party as “a failure,” truly respected by but few of them, re-nominated by a convention made up largely of office-holders and contractors—has been re-elected to the Presidency of our dissevered and unhappy Republic. We esteem this a misfortune, which might have been prevented by wise action on the part of the Chicago Convention. The destinies of the country are to remain in…

Bound Volumes: November 7, 2024

135 YEARS AGO: Good Advice for Girls—Take plenty of exercise. Take it in the open air; take it alone and breathe with the mouth closed. Live on simple food – all the fruit and rare beef you want; very little pastry; a glass of claret for dinner; coffee in moderation, but never a sip of beer, because it thickens the voice and stupefies the senses. Keep regular hours for work, meals, rest and recreation, and never under any circumstances, indulge…

Bound Volumes: October 31, 2024

160 YEARS AGO: The Final Arrangements: Final and thorough arrangements must be made by the Democrats of each town and election district for the contest of the 8th of November. We wish to offer a few timely suggestions to our friends in the county to this important matter. A committee should be appointed in each town, say of nine members, who should take upon themselves: 1. To complete the poll lists and see that every Democrat is registered. 2. To…

Bound Volumes: October 24, 2024

210 YEARS AGO: About 300 Negroes from the Chesapeake, arrived at Halifax on the 2nd ult. In an emaciated condition—30 had died on the passage, and four expired on the quay, at landing them. Among them were many women and children, one man 70 years old and blind. Nine hundred more were expected. Those able to work had been sent to the work house. The people (of Halifax) were dissatisfied with the encumbrance.
October 27, 1814…

Bound Volumes: October 17, 2024

160 YEARS AGO: Ladies at the County Fair—Our attention was first directed to the Domestic Manufactures. The Ladies deserve much praise, for their department has become an attractive feature of the Exhibition. There was a good display of quilts. There were 12 entries. A beautiful silk patchwork quilt, containing 3,000 pieces, by Mrs. James F. Smith of Richfield Springs, was much admired as a work which had required no little time and skill to complete; another by Miss Amanda Belknap…

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