bound volumes – Page 5 – All Otsego


bound volumes - Page 5

Bound Volumes: April 4, 2024

Fire—About half past ten Tuesday evening the fire bell sounded an alarm, and at the same moment a large part of the village was illuminated by the flames which shot up from the old barn on the premises of Mr. B.F. Austin, on Elm Street. In it were four or five tons of baled straw and a covered buggy, which were destroyed. Loss was about $200. No insurance. Phinney Hose put the first stream of water on the…

Bound Volumes: March 28, 2024

Advertisement. The Old Post Rider’s Call in Earnest. The Subscriber, having made arrangements with a young man by the name of Henry Marble, to distribute papers on the route heretofore performed by him, will after this week, discontinue his services; and he informs his customers that their bills will be made out up to the 25th of March, trusting that every one of them will be prepared, cash in hand for a final settlement whenever he calls, which…

Bound Volumes: March 21, 2024

On Thursday morning last, between the hours of 3 and 4 o’clock, our citizens were aroused from their slumbers by the alarming cry of fire, which proved to be in the building occupied by Taylor and Graves as a Tailor’s and Barber’s shop, and had made such progress before the alarm became general, that it was impossible to save the building. The end of Messrs. Cook and Craft’s store, which stood about ten feet east, was several times…

Bound Volumes: March 14, 2024

“Geographic & Military Museum.” We have received the first number of a paper published in Albany, by Samuel R. Brown, under this title. We would recommend it to the attention of the public as worthy of patronage. In the meantime, we give our readers his very eccentric Dedication. “To the brave and patriotic, who are willing to expend blood or treasure in defence of the Republic; no matter in what state or on what river residing, or to…

Bound Volumes: March 7, 2024

Action is necessary, spirited action, on the part of all those opposed to any and all of the projects to divide the County (Otsego County). Some among many reasons which go to oppose a division are that in small counties, the burden of taxation is heavier than in large; and that proximity to the county courts is calculated to increase litigation. Remonstrances, we understand, are in circulation, or about to be, which all are requested to sign who…

Bound Volumes: February 29, 2024

The War News—It is not too much to expect that the banners of General Sherman may wave over the city of Mobile during the first week in March! The defenses of that city, on the land side, are not reported as being very formidable; and we do not believe that Johnston can spare the men necessary to materially hinder his progress. At the last accounts, General Sherman was within 105 miles of Mobile; while Farragut awaits the sound…

Bound Volumes: February 22, 2024

Corn is still and probably always will be our staple commodity. Last year we produced 2,000,000,000 bushels. The average price paid was only 23 cents per bushel, but even at this low price the commercial value of the crop was $74,000,000. This is almost equal to the value of all the gold, silver and lead mined in the United States in 1887, which was worth $87,535,000. Corn is our greatest crop. It makes hogs and cattle and alcohol,…

Bound Volumes: February 15, 2024

Local—Real Estate: Mr. N.H. Lake has purchased of the Prentiss estate the building in which he does business, and in which, for about 40 years this paper has been published.
Mr. Andrew Shaw, Jr., has purchased the building adjoining us on the east, of the Stowell estate, to be occupied by him as a hop store. Mr. S. will become a resident of the village in the spring.
Mr. D.A. Avery has purchased the lot opposite the mansion of Mr.…

Bound Volumes: February 8, 2024

Last week The Freeman’s Journal published an article which previously appeared in the Schenevus Monitor, stating that Billy Mills, a former well-known baseball player in this vicinity, was dying of consumption in the Alms House at Rome. Billy received a copy of the paper containing his death notice and he was very much pleased with the sympathy which was being wasted upon him. In a denial published in the Rome Sentinel he claims to be very much alive…

Bound Volumes: February 1, 2024

Local: Charlie Burch says it is his candid opinion from certain orders given at his jewelry store that marriage is not a failure—a good thing for the trade, certainly.
There are now 12 prisoners confined to the jail at this place, six of whom are under indictment.
John W. Shove of Mount Vision, now belongs to the “Old Guard” on the Journal subscription list, having this week made his 50th annual payment.
At the annual meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Ladies Auxiliary…

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