
Bruce Beckert


BECKERT: Media, Global Elite Undermine Democracy

Letter from Bruce Beckert Media, Global Elite Undermine Democracy A win in the house is a positive step, but we have a long road ahead to save this country from the global elites. We have been on a much longer road tearing this country down than most of us have realized and it’s going to take all of us that see what is going on, with God’s help, to save our country. God will help, but only through us. We…


BECKERT: Letter Platform Appreciated

Letter from Bruce Beckert Letter Platform Appreciated I would like to thank this paper for printing my letters over the past two years, as well as the readers that read them. We all are so fortunate to live in this country, the greatest country in the world. Starting with the Revolutionary War all the way through 9/11, this country has persevered and succeeded. Currently we are in the midst of another crisis to protect our freedom and way of life.…


BECKERT: Vote! Please Help Save Our Country

Letter from Bruce Beckert Vote! Please Help Save Our Country This election is like none other in our time. It will either cement the global elite’s plan for our country or start us back on a path that will ultimately save this country so our grandchildren can have a lifestyle of freedom and opportunity that we have been so blessed with. The Democrats have gotten used to swaying liberal Republicans, buying key elections with global elites’ dollars or just stealing…


WILCOX: Another Call for Voters

Letter from Keith Willcox Another Call for Voters In his letter of October 13th, Bruce Beckert gives a concise image of the current Republican Party. His sources of honest information might’ve included Fox News and Infowars, but those in the know are already familiar with them. He did sign his name, which puts him ahead of the “Sound-Offers” in that other paper. Most importantly, he urges us all to vote. Not to worry, Mr. Beckert. Keith WillcoxRoseboom…


BECKERT: Vote! Please Help Save Our Country

Letter from Bruce Beckert Vote! Please Help Save Our Country This election is like none other in our time. It will either cement the global elite’s plan for our country or start us back on a path that will ultimately save this country so our grandchildren can have a lifestyle of freedom and opportunity that we have been so blessed with. The Democrats have gotten used to swaying liberal Republicans, buying key elections with global elites’ dollars or just stealing…


WILLCOX: Another Call for Voters This Election

Letter from Keith Willcox Another Call for Voters This Election In his letter of October 13th, Bruce Beckert gives a concise image of the current Republican Party. His sources of honest information might’ve included Fox News and Infowars, but those in the know are already familiar with them. He did sign his name, which puts him ahead of the “Sound-Offers” in that other paper. Most importantly, he urges us all to vote. Not to worry, Mr. Beckert. Keith WillcoxRoseboom Read…


Letter: An opinion on patriotism

Letter: An opinion on patriotism To the Editor, The Democrats have control of our country currently and the leadership has come under control of globalist radicals trying to implement their “Global Great Reset.” They need to take this country out of the way first so they can proceed. This is why they had to take the 2020 election and the Georgia Senate runoff in January. Four more years of Trump would have probably put an end to their long-progressing plan.…


BECKERT: Easy Living Makes Nation Vulnerable

LETTER from BRUCE BECKERT Easy Living Makes Nation Vulnerable To the Editor: There’re many points that could be debated. I’ll touch on one. The most crucial for the future of our great country and our grandchildren. SOCIALISM. Radicals, who have no use for this country as it has been, have taken over our Democratic Party. They favor government control over every aspect of our lives. America’s founding fathers fought to prevent this. It’s why our ancestors migrated here. Our soldiers…