build back better – All Otsego


build back better


Money Left on the Table?

Money Left on the Table? By Carrie Thompson There has been a lot of chatter surrounding President Biden’s Infrastructure and Jobs Act and as opposed to the Build Back Better agenda, this legislation was passed by the house on November 5, 2021, and signed into law on the 15th. What does this mean for our country, states and local communities? It sure sounds like a lot of money is on the table. A successful outcome for any state is leaving…


News Briefs 11/25/21

News Briefs Build Back Better The U.S. House of Representatives voted November 19 to approve President Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan, a $2 trillion package comprising major elements including funding for clean energy, universal pre-Kindergarten, healthcare, affordable housing, and eldercare. For New York and other high-tax states, the measure would raise the cap on the state and local tax deduction (SALT) from $10,000 to $80,000, starting in tax year 2021. The expanded cap would stay in place through 2030, falling…