Bullying – All Otsego




Editorial: Bully (Isn’t) for You

Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threats, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. It’s a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally, and repeatedly, causes another person injury or discomfort...…


‘Wabbit’ way off base

‘Wabbit’ column off-base To the Editor: I applaud The Freeman’s Journal‘s endorsement (3/10/22) of the anti-bullying activities held recently at Cooperstown Central School. I further applaud your reporting of the remarks made by two students to the CCS Board of Education stating they received “no support from ‘a member of the administration’ when they reported incidents of racial intolerance and bullying,” and I trust you will continue to follow that story and its ramifications. What I cannot accept, then, is…


Taking on the bullies: An editorial

Taking on the bullies Editorial: March 10, 2022   You have to start somewhere. We will admit to some heavy-duty skepticism when this newspaper received a press release last week announcing three days of anti-bullying assemblies and break-out sessions at Cooperstown Central School. It all sounded rather gimmicky – “a student empowerment and empathy activation team” calling itself “Sweethearts & Heroes” and co-founded by a Cooperstown High alum, Tom Murphy. Students participating in “Circle,” which, said the release, is “based…


CCS bully battle engages ‘Sweethearts’

CCS bully battle engages ‘Sweethearts’ Duo delivers message they’ve shared with 2 million nationwide Cooperstown High Alum Tom Murphy, left, and Iraq War vet Rick Yarosh, right, flank CCS Junior / Senior High Assistant Principal Amy Malcuria after a March 7 interactive anti-bullying assembly.   The lights went out in Cooperstown High School’s Sterling Auditorium on the afternoon of March 7, not long after sophomores, juniors, and seniors had filed in for an afternoon assembly. The video screen went live…


Students challenge CCS to confront racism, bullying in schools

Students challenge CCS to confront racism, bullying in schools Cooperstown High School senior Amelia Williams rose without hesitation when Board of Education President Tim Hayes opened the public comment portion of the panel’s December 16 meeting in the school’s media center. In the few minutes of time allotted to any such speaker, Ms. Williams delivered a personal message describing her experiences on the receiving end of racist and discriminatory behavior in the school’s hallways and on her school bus. “I’ve…


Only Communications Can Root Out Bullying

LETTER from MARY ANNE WHELAN Only Communications Can Root Out Bullying To the Editor: Last week’s article about school bullying recounts a serious incident in Cooperstown High School (by no means the first), but it begins – and exists – at much earlier levels, as parents and administrators of the lower grades will verify. This is a problem that needs to be addressed prophylactically and at multiple levels, by parents talking to their own children, by teachers and administrators, and…


Scrutiny To Intensify After Beating At CCS

STATE GRANT TO BUY CAMERAS Scrutiny To Intensify After Beating At CCS By JENNIFER HILL • Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – While contemplating how to respond to a student’s beating and the furor it evoked, Cooperstown Central School Superintendent Bill Crankshaw got some welcome good news. After a four-year wait, CCS received word Monday, June 17, it has received $500,000 in state Smart School Bond money intended for security and infrastructure improvements in the schools. “It’s great news and it’s…


Crankshaw: New Document, Wellness Subcomittee Will Combat Bullying

Crankshaw: New Document, Wellness Subcommittee Will Help Combat Bullying By JENNIFER HILL• Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN – Following up on last night’s PTA meeting, CCS Superintendent Bill Crankshaw plans to put together a document with information on the school district’s current programs and policies and future ones “to combat harassment, bullying and discrimination.” “Because of conversations with students, clergy, and parents on areas that they would like to see addressed,” he said. “I can assure you that moving forward, the…


Cooperstown PTA Debates Bullying

Cooperstown PTA Debates Bullying By JENNIFER HILL• Special to www.AllOTSEGO.com COOPERSTOWN “We’re asking you to take better care of the students and then we’ll trust you more.” Cooperstown Central School’s PTA Co-President Tabetha Rathbone’s remarks to school board members and administrators echoed what 60-plus plus parents and students said in a packed Cooperstown Elementary School’s library Tuesday, June 11. However, School Super-intendent Bill Crankshaw said he isn’t sure what the school district will do next. The PTA meeting offered the…