Carol Mandigo – All Otsego


Carol Mandigo


Flying High on First Night

Flying High on First Night ONEONTA—Hill City Celebrations’ New Year’s Eve extravaganza at the Foothills Performing Arts and Civic Center was a huge success. “Holbrook-Wade School of Dance and Harmony Martial Arts were a wonderful complement to our professional entertainment. It was great to see the children and families celebrating together,” said Carol Mandigo, event coordinator. “We haven’t had a First Night since 2019 and it’s the first time we’ve tried to produce two events at the same time, the…


A Little Night Fishing

A Little Night Fishing ONEONTA—This light installation, created by Jeff Powell on behalf of the Oneonta Lions Club, is just one of the fabulous displays featured at this year’s Festival of Lights in Neahwa Park. Powell’s creation, which represents the Lions’ Club Trout Fishing Derby, is programmed to simulate a fly-casting fisherman with a fish jumping and water splashing. A separate part of the display presents a fish jumping from one splash to another. “It’s quite the display and Jeff…


Hometown 4th: Oneonta to revive holiday celebration

Hometown 4th: Oneonta to revive holiday celebration By PATRICK DEWEY • Special to ONEONTA — The Hometown 4th Festival will return to Oneonta’s Neahwa Park to celebrate the July Fourth holiday next weekend, with a theme of honoring essential workers. The goal is to honor the workers, including grocery store staff, teachers, police officers, firefighters and healthcare workers, who took risks for the community good during the coronavirus pandemic, according to festival officials. “We wanted to do everything we…


Puppet theater to return to Oneonta

Puppet theater to return to Oneonta By KEVIN LIMITI • Special to A puppet theater with local roots will perform an old time musical with a modern message in Oneonta on Friday, May 14 and Saturday, May 15. The Catskill Puppet Theater, which has been around since the late 1970s, will be performing “The Villain’s Mustache,” which is described on their website as a “lively musical” and a “traditional old-time melodrama.” “The play is fast paced and exciting enough…


Let There Be Lights!

Let There Be Lights! Against All Odds, Festival Takes Flight By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to As dusk settled over Neahwa Park, Carol Mandigo wasn’t sure what to expect when she flipped the switches to turn on the Festival of Lights. What she saw were cars lined up as far as Main and River streets, waiting their turns to be driven around the 37 displays of holiday lights and decorations set up around the park. “I couldn’t believe it,”…


Kelly Ames, Carol Mandigo HonoredAs Oneonta’s ’19 Woman Trailblazers

Art & Caring Kelly Ames, Carol Mandigo Honored As Oneonta’s ’19 Woman Trailblazers By JENNIFER HILL • Hometown Oneonta & The Freeman’s Journal ONEONTA  – Early on in Carol Mandigo’s career, she decided to combine art with social services “to give a better quality of life in a fun way.” “I wasn’t drawn to putting art in a gallery in a city with only a limited amount of people looking at it,” Mandigo said.  “I brought art and theater to inner…