Caspar Ewig – All Otsego


Caspar Ewig


Editorial: Putting the Community Back Into the Newspaper

Our motto here at “The Freeman’s Journal” and “Hometown Oneonta” is “putting the community back into the newspaper.” Whether you read our hard-copy newspapers or subscribe to our website,, we believe it is important to not only cover the news of Otsego County, but also to provide a forum by which its residents can contribute their own views and expertise.…


Guzman: Induction a Great Experience

Great article [“Fans: Parade Did Not Disappoint”]. Really appreciate the small-town atmosphere and super friendly baseball fans and HOFers. Also, thanks to Caspar [Ewig] for taking time to sit with us and chat a bit about the induction experience. Definitely will consider coming back again next year. Go baseball!!…


Carnival Capers

CARNIVAL CAPERSMary Margaret Kuhn, top, enjoys a stop at the Cooperstown Farmers’ Market during Winter Carnival 2023. Above, Winter Carnival Committee members Claire Kepner and Caspar Ewig, Iron String Press contributing writer, check diners in at the Lions Club Pancake Breakfast. The Winter Carnival returned this year after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Photos by Molly Seidl…


Fire District Holds First Meeting After December Election

Fire District Holds First Meeting After December Election By CASPAR EWIGFLY CREEKThe newly-constituted Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fly Creek Fire District held its annual organizational meeting and first monthly meeting on Thursday, January 12. The agenda moved forward in an organized manner and was free from the discord that had marked the recent election. “We’re going to start with a clean slate,” said Sam Hoskins, who was elected chairman of the board on December 13.At the outset, Hoskins…


Senior Group Joins Sports Center To Launch Revamped Program

Shaping up the Seniors Senior Group Joins Sports Center To Launch Revamped Program By CASPAR EWIGCOOPERSTOWN – On Thursday, January 5, the Otsego County Council of Senior Citizens—in partnership with the Clark Sports Center—will host an Open House at the CSC from noon to 2:30 p.m. to inaugurate a program designed to bring senior citizens together for fellowship, exercise and entertainment. Formerly the Cooperstown Senior Community Center, the new “Connections at the Clark Sports Center” program is open to all…