Caspar Ewig – Page 2 – All Otsego


Caspar Ewig - Page 2


Otsego Now Promoting Projects, Developing Priorities Countywide

Otsego Now Promoting Projects, Developing Priorities Countywide By CASPAR EWIG With daily life returning to a semblance of normalcy, Otsego Now is actively continuing its stated quest “to act as a catalyst for economic transformation of the Otsego County economy.” When formed in 2014 as an umbrella organization for Otsego County’s Industrial Development Agency and Capital Resource Corporation, Otsego Now was tasked with the responsibility to “navigate the economic development process, develop sites, provide financial support, prepare workforce, and communicate…


Main Street mainstay turns 100

Main Street mainstay turns 100 By Ted Potrikus Ah, the Cooperstown Diner. That table in the back sure looks promising, let’s sit there! But wait – there’s a placard clipped into the condiment tray, on which is printed a brief verse: “To ye whose eyes rest upon this spot/Let it be known that it’s already got/by a daily knot of men of Cooperstown.” Often true in 2021 at the 136½ Main Street landmark, and often true since the original owners…


Retired Maritime Lawyer Steers Cooperstown Diner

From This Week’s Edition Of The Freeman’s Journal LANDMARK OPENS TODAY FOR TAKEOUT Retired Maritime Lawyer Steers Cooperstown Diner Caspar Ewig, who moved Upstate after retiring from a maritime law firm in Yonkers, is running the Cooperstown Diner for the Hayfords. It opens Thursday for takeout. (Jim Kevliin/ By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to “She told me that if we started dating, Cooperstown was in my future,” he said. “She spent every summer up here, taking horseback riding lessons…


OMG! Retired Maritime Lawyer Steers Cooperstown Diner

OMG! Retired Maritime Lawyer Steers Cooperstown Diner By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to COOPERSTOWN – When Caspar Ewig met his wife, Patricia, in 1973, she had a condition for going steady with her. “She told me that if we started dating, Cooperstown was in my future,” he said. “She spent every summer up here, taking horseback riding lessons from the Moffats and staying with her aunt on Pioneer Street.” Now, 47 years later, he’s fulfilled that edict, taking over…