Chip Northrup – Page 9 – All Otsego


Chip Northrup - Page 9


NORTHRUP: Whartons Best President, First Lady We Never Had

LETTER from CHIP NORTHRUP Whartons Best President, First Lady We Never Had To the Editor: Your newspaper did us all a great favor with its coverage of Dolores Wharton’s autobiography, which serves as a fine complement to her husband’s book. You have helped put the Whartons in their proper historical context – they were pillars in the advancement of minority meritocracy in the United States, moreso than any ballplayer in the Hall of Fame. Because, while Jackie Robinson proved that…


13 States Have Made ‘Green Law’ Work – Why Not New York

Letter from CHIP NORTHRUP 13 States Have Made ‘Green Law’ Work – Why Not New York To the Editor: State law governs the issuance of driver’s licenses.  Since 1993, 13 states and D.C. have issued licenses to residents – i.e. some of them could be illegal aliens. This does not give the cardholder the right to vote. In fact, it says that right on the card. What  it does is bring them into compliance concerning requirements for car insurance, car…


Question Planners Should Ask: Is It Better Than What’s There?

Letter from CHIP NORTHRUP Question Planners Should Ask: Is It Better Than What’s There? To the Editor: To implement the Village of Cooperstown Housing Committee’s recommendations, the Village might start by being a bit more receptive to the demolition of derelict buildings for new development. Since the village can’t grow outwards, it must grow upwards via infill redevelopment. The density of the village’s building stock has probably decreased slightly from its peak – as evidenced by archival photographs of hotels…


Texans Say, Don’t Mess With Cattle

from CHIP NORTHRUP Texans Say, Don’t Mess With Cattle To the Editor: Had the local dairyman moved to Texas and knowingly allowed his cows to starve to death, he would have been charged with up to 25 felony counts, each carrying up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine per head – which adds up to 250 years in the state pen and $250,000 in fines. About the same as for manslaughter. In New York, he gets a…


For Now, Gas Necessary, But Before Long, Goodnight Irene

from CHIP NORTHRUP For Now, Gas Necessary, But Before Long, Goodnight Irene To the Editor: Have followed the local fossil fuel v. renewables debate from afar and would like to suggest that there may be more compatibility between the two that either side is willing to admit. What the fossil-fuel junkies fail to understand is that the source of that gas is literally the bottom of the hydrocarbon barrel, the source rock. When it taps out, it’s Goodnight Irene. Wish…

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