Drnek ended the meeting with a presentation of his vision to create a new neighborhood on Market Street. He asked council members and the public “to step outside the comfort zone of shared opinion and open your mind to alternate possibilities.”…
Drnek ended the meeting with a presentation of his vision to create a new neighborhood on Market Street. He asked council members and the public “to step outside the comfort zone of shared opinion and open your mind to alternate possibilities.”…
Well, it’s that time again—the new year is just around the corner (or the ball has already dropped, depending upon when you get your copy of the paper or read this online), and many of us are bandying about new year’s resolutions that, let’s face it, probably won’t make it through January. Rather than those sorts of resolutions, here at Iron String Press we have opted instead to focus on things for which we would like to see resolutions in…
The Helping Hands Community Open House is intended to give attendees the opportunity to meet some of the diverse and inspiring members of the social club. These individuals represent a wide range of backgrounds, interests and experiences.…
Today, I’ve launched RSSMarketStreet.com, with the intention of benefiting both the public and your organization. One of its goals is to encourage your organization to prioritize transparency and openness in sharing information.…
Need for housing of all types has been identified by the City of Oneonta in its own comprehensive plan. Need for housing of all types has been identified by the Village of Cooperstown and by the NY Forward Local Planning Committee. Why, then, are the RSS and Averill Road projects so controversial?…
The proposed Rehabilitation Support Services housing project at 27 Market Street has been met with strong public push-back, but city officials contend that misinformation, disinformation and fear are driving the response.…
City of Oneonta community members who call themselves Citizens That Care held their own Town Hall meeting on Sunday, March 3, in response to not feeling heard by Common Council members and Mayor Mark Drnek at a city-sponsored Town Hall on February 27.…