citizen of year – All Otsego


citizen of year


ROSS: Could ‘Citizen Of Year’ Be County Administrator?

LETTER from SHEILA ROSS Could ‘Citizen Of Year’ Be County Administrator? To the Editor: Where will you find a person who would know all about all 24 departments in the Otsego County system? The department heads will be giving the manager the information that he or she needs.  The department heads know the laws, state mandates and the ins and outs that apply to their departments. We have a county treasurer and deputy that do a great job with the…


On WAMC’s ‘Morning Headlines’, Editor Speaks Of ‘Citizen Of The Year’ Drugovich

On WAMC’s ‘Morning Headlines’, Editor Speaks Of ‘Citizen Of The Year’ Drugovich In today’s weekly report, “Morning Edition,” on WAMC, Northeast Public Radio, Jim Kevlin, editor/publisher of (and Hometown Oneonta & the Freeman’s Journal), reported the qualities of Margaret L. Drugovich and innovations at Hartwick College that resulted in her being named as the newspapers’ “Citizen of the Year.” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THIS WEEK’S  REPORT…