citizen science – All Otsego


citizen science


Citizen Science: New Physics Mystery Series: Developing Nancy Drew Grit

In 2023, this “Citizen Science” column focused on distinguishing science from pseudoscience; in 2024, we sought to demystify energy by studying the various flavors of real energy. This year, we’ll further develop our critical thinking skills and sleuthing abilities by looking at outstanding mysteries in physics—what the problem is, why the solution continues to elude us, and what’s been done so far to solve it.…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: Honing Light from Stonehenge to Science

Mere days before the winter solstice this year, on December 17th, I had the opportunity to visit Stonehenge with my son and husband. Driving clockwise in roundabouts and on the left-hand side of narrow roads gave my brain a workout, but I could still spare a moment of shock as I crested the top of a hill and saw the lone group of large stones surrounded by fields and sheep.…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: The Bolts and Volts of Electric Energy

Consider a thunderstorm, nature’s best display of electric energy. Through complicated collisions and Sisyphean updrafts within the storm, particles with negative charges are driven toward the cloud base, with positive charges accumulating near the top. This separation creates a large electric potential difference (voltage) between the cloud base and the ground below, because the ground often becomes positively charged in response.…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: Thermal Energy, a Hotbed of Activity

First, internal energy (U) is the sum of all forms of microscopic energy in a system. It includes all the kinetic energy (the motions, rotations, and vibrations) of tiny particles and all the potential energy of those particles interacting with each other. Think of Pandora’s box (in the original myth, it’s a jar, not a box!) rollicking with buzzing, sparking, invisible particles of evil and mischief inside.…


Citizen Science: Energy Demystified: Let’s Get Chemical

Actually, a Fourth of July picnic in the park with family, friends and neighbors presents the perfect scenario to think about all the ways we use chemical potential energy without even thinking about it. On a deeper level, the bonds we chemically make or break—and maybe make again—are reflected in the bonds we create or destroy with other people, locally and nationally.…

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