citizen science – Page 3 – All Otsego


citizen science - Page 3


Citizen Science: ‘Science Says So’: Sifting Evidence-Based Science from Pseudoscience

While the analogy of “panning for science” has as many holes as a sieve, it is true that we humans are easily fooled by false scientific claims. Hope springs eternal: If it worked for them, surely it will work for me, too, we think. But a testimonial is not science. Real scientists—and citizens who understand science—will stop and sift the gathered data very carefully before joining the ranks of eager squealers.…


Citizen Science: Introduction to Citizen Science: Finding Intellectual Security

Citizen Science No. 1 by Jamie Zvirzdin Introduction to Citizen Science: Finding Intellectual Security Imagine you’re sitting in science class. On the paper before you, there’s a homework problem you don’t understand. You raise your hand to seek clarity, but the teacher responds, “Oh, that problem is easy! Just use your intuition.” The teacher then rattles off a bunch of specialized words—science jargon—you just learned. “Thanks,” you say out loud, but your muddied thoughts are joined by the cold chill…


HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO: The Nutcracker Ballet Returns to Oneonta 12-08-21

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 The Nutcracker Ballet Returns to Oneonta MICE ON MAIN – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. The mice of this years production of The Nutcracker have run away. Bring the kids to main street and follow the clues to find them so the show can go on. Presented by the Decker School of Ballet. Main Street, Oneonta. 607-432-6290 or visit CRAFTS & RAFFLES – 1 – 4 p.m. Bring the kids to make a…


Count the local birds with the Audubon Society

Count the local birds with the Audubon Society The Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society holds its annual Christmas Bird Count for the 53rd year, with counts scheduled for different days during a three-week period. Oneonta is up first, scheduled for December 18; Fort Plain follows on December 26, and Delaware County on January 2. There are two ways to participate in the Christmas Bird Count — either out in the field or watching feeders from a stationary location. Those wishing to participate…