City administrator – All Otsego


City administrator


Mayor Drnek’s ‘singular focus’ on City’s growth

From left to right: (wife) Betsy Holland, (grandson) Rahmon Daily, Jr, Mayor Mark Drnek, Oneonta City Judge Bob Goulden. (Jennifer Armstrong) Mayor Drnek’s ‘singular focus’ on City’s growth By Kevin Limiti The City of Oneonta welcomed its new mayor on New Year’s Day when former Eighth Ward Councilman Mark Drnek took the oath to assume his office. He already has changed City Hall: Mayor Drnek adopted City Administrator Greg Mattice’s plan to rearrange the office layout to “foster more coordination…


THIS WEEK — July 15, 2021

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


AllOtsego people: Mattice excited about new city role

You have reached your limit of 3 free articles To Continue Reading SubscribeLogin   Our hard-copy and online publications cover the news of Otsego County by putting the community back into the newspaper. We are funded entirely by advertising and subscriptions. With your support, we continue to offer local, independent reporting that is not influenced by commercial or political ties.…


City Promotes Mattice To Administrator Position

City Promotes Mattice To Administrator Position By GREG KLEIN • Special to ONEONTA – The city of Oneonta has promoted Greg Mattice to fill the position of city administrator. Mattice, who has been with the city since 2010 and has been the city engineer for about half of that time, was approved for his new position by the city’s Common Council Tuesday, April 20. The administrator position is a revised position in the city, an attempt to turn the…


Residency Requirement, Budget Powers Debated For City Administrator

Residency Requirement, Budget Debated For  City Administrator By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – Residency and the budget process were two of the strongly-debated topics as Common Council continues refining the City Manager role to a City Administrator. “We’ve had so many issues with the last three city managers finding a place to stay, as well as issues with our housing stock, that we should allow the City Manager to live outside the city,” said Council member Dave…


Common Council Moves To Change City ‘Manager’ To ‘Administrator’

Common Council Moves To Change City 'Manager' To 'Administrator' By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – It could be as easy as changing a few words. "It is more apparent to me that we have a job that is titled 'city manager' in the Charter, but if you look at the description, it describes a city administrator," said Mayor Gary Herzig during a special meeting of the Common Council this evening. "The last three people we recruited as…