City Hall – All Otsego


City Hall


Drnek: We’re All in This Together

We’re All in This Together Grand plans and strategies. From the moment I rise ‘til I trundle off to bed, I’m generating notes, workflows, and timelines. There are people to call. Committees to fill. Problems to solve. Plans and strategies… they’re so important. Until they’re not. Last week, the tick-tock of my work-clock stopped. On Friday, I opted for a day away from City Hall. I wasn’t feeling well. But rest didn’t have its desired result and I grew increasingly…


Trailblazer Awards to be given at Oneonta City Hall

Trailblazer Awards to be given at Oneonta City Hall STAFF REPORT • Special to The Trailblazer Awards will be handed out at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, at Oneonta City Hall. Originally, they were supposed to be given out at Damaschke Field but this was changed due to the potential of bad weather. The award will be given to former mayor Kim Muller, SPCA Director Stacie Haynes, Judge Lucy Bernier and Oneonta High School teacher Cathy Lynch. Mayor…


Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside

Planning To Retire, Bob Wood Has High Hopes For Southside By JIM KEVLIN • Special to By the time he retires on Dec. 31, the Town of Oneonta’s municipal water system will be complete, and condos and houses on Southside Drive will be emerging, veteran Town Supervisor Bob Wood is predicting. Simply, “the city does not have any more available land,” said Wood in an interview Friday, March 5, on announcing his retirement. A handful of developers have already…


City Hall Explores Heat-Pump System

City Hall Explores Heat-Pump System Council Members Asked To Address Single Source For ‘Multiple Buildings’ ONEONTA – Common Council will be asked to apply for $100,000 in state funds to explore a “community heat pump system” when it meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall. The money would come from NYSERDA (the state Energy Research & Development Authority) and would require no more than a $5,000 share from the city.…


City Hall Seeks $500,000 To Redo Oneonta Theatre

City Hall Seeks $500,000 To Redo Oneonta Theatre By CHRYSTAL SAVAGE • Special to City Hall will seek $500,000 in state funding to restore the Oneonta Theatre, the former movie house at 27 Chestnut St. that has been on the market and unused for five years. Mayor Gary Herzig received Common Council’s unanimous approval Tuesday, Jan. 5, to seek the money through the state’s Main Street Anchor Program aimed at restoring vacant buildings. While there is no time-frame for…


City Hall Issues Warning To Newcomers, Check In With County, Quarantine

City Hall Issues Warning To Newcomers: Check In With County, Quarantine ONEONTA – City Hall today encouraged landlords to only rent apartments to people from out of town “under conditions of great urgency.” Newcomers “will be expected” to self-quarantine for 14 days and to notify the county Department of Health on their arrival, said in a statement from the city clerk’s office. “While we are fortunate to have excellent healthcare facilities in our community,” said Mayor Gary Herzig in an…


City Hall Now Closed;  50% Of Staff Sent Home

HERZIG ISSUES STATEMENT City Hall Now Closed;  50% Of Staff Sent Home ONEONTA – City Hall won’t open tomorrow, and will remain closed “until further notice,” Mayor Gary Herzig said in a statement issued a few minutes ago.  The lobby of the Oneonta Police Department on Main at Market will remain open for emergencies. “We will continue to provide essential services,” Herzig said.  Pursuant to Governor Cuomo’s request, half the city workforce will be sent home, and “non-essential services and…



HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Fun With Oobleck OOBLECK – 6 – 7:30 p.m. Celebrate birthday of Dr. Seuss and make the mysterious substance from the book ‘Bartholomew and the Oobleck.’ Learn about the strange properties of non-Newtonian fluids. Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut St., Oneonta. 607-432-1980 or visit…


‘Outstanding’ City Hall Staff Might Now Apply To Succeed Korthauer

MAYOR HERZIG LOOKS AHEAD ‘Outstanding’ Staffers May Submit Applications To Succeed City Manager ONEONTA – Mayor Gary Herzig said he “would not be surprised” to receive applications from within City Hall from department heads seeking to succeed Oneonta’s third city manager. City Manager George Korthauer, whose resignation was announced this afternoon, helped assemble “a really outstanding team of department heads and staff,” Herzig said in an interview a few minutes ago.  “There are folks who have the expertise, have the…

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