City Manager – All Otsego


City Manager


Common Council Moves To Change City ‘Manager’ To ‘Administrator’

Common Council Moves To Change City ‘Manager’ To ‘Administrator’ By LIBBY CUDMORE • Special to ONEONTA – It could be as easy as changing a few words. “It is more apparent to me that we have a job that is titled ‘city manager’ in the Charter, but if you look at the description, it describes a city administrator,” said Mayor Gary Herzig during a special meeting of the Common Council this evening. “The last three people we recruited as…


Sterling Legacy Suggest: Are City Managers Needed

EDITORIAL Sterling Mayor’ Legacy Suggest: Are City Managers Needed? Maybe it’s apocryphal, but the story’s told of a former mayor of Oneonta who, elected decades ago, discovered some department heads were taking hour-and-a-half lunches to work out at a local gym. The mayor gave everybody raises, at the same time advising the department heads: Game over, be back at your desks in an hour. That worked for six months, then the particular department heads starting slipping, the story goes, and…


Is City Manager Needed?

AFTER DECADE, MAYOR HERZIG TO ASK QUESTION AGAIN Is City Manager Needed? By JIM KEVLIN • Special to ONEONTA –Oneonta’s third city manager, George Korthauer, retired from City Hall on Feb. 7. A month later, on March 13, Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202 went into effect, declaring a state of emergency in New York State in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic threat. In the past six months, Mayor Gary Herzig, under a City Charter that gives him largely…


‘Outstanding’ City Hall Staff Might Now Apply To Succeed Korthauer

MAYOR HERZIG LOOKS AHEAD ‘Outstanding’ Staffers May Submit Applications To Succeed City Manager ONEONTA – Mayor Gary Herzig said he “would not be surprised” to receive applications from within City Hall from department heads seeking to succeed Oneonta’s third city manager. City Manager George Korthauer, whose resignation was announced this afternoon, helped assemble “a really outstanding team of department heads and staff,” Herzig said in an interview a few minutes ago.  “There are folks who have the expertise, have the…


Council Due To Name Manager

Council To Name 3rd City Manager Korthauer Served In Petoskey, Mich. ONEONTA – Common Council is scheduled to appoint George Korthauer as Oneonta’s third city manager at its Tuesday, May 16, meeting. Korthauer served for 25 years as the city manager of Petoskey, Mich., retiring in 2009. During his tenure, he redeveloped the city’s Lake Michigan waterfront park, oversaw development of a marina, winter sport and athletic complex, as well as construction of the new City Hall.…


City Manager Search Starts Friday

City Manager Search Begins This Friday ONEONTA –  The search for Oneonta’s new City Manager will formally begin on Friday, Jan. 6. “Our consultant, Catherine Tuck Parrish, will begin looking at applications,” said Mayor Gary Herzig during  the Common Council meeting held earlier this evening.  “She’ll weed out and present us with the candidates that she believes will be the best fit.”…


Move Qualifications Out Of Charter, Panel Says

Move Qualifications Out Of Charter, Panel Says Residency Requirement Remains in Charter By LIBBY CUDMORE • for ONEONTA – Mayor Herzig’s ad hoc Charter Review Committee last evening proposed removing the qualifications for the city manager from the charter, putting them in a job description, like all other positions.  That would allow Common Council to change them by a majority vote. “No other job has their requirements outlined in the charter,” said Committee member and Council member Melissa Nicosia,…