climate change – All Otsego


climate change


Guest Column: We Need Solar Energy, But Should It Trample a Town’s Master Plan?

Solar panels do not need fertile soil. They do not need to have their hair cut and they do not bike to class in the morning. There are many other places solar fields can go. Where else is Chestertown supposed to go? There are not many other spaces the rest of Chestertown can grow into. At least not without contributing to what the Greenbelt Master Plan describes as the Eastern Shore’s “auto-oriented suburban sprawl, which threatens to erode its rural…

Happenin’ Otsego: 09-16-24

PREPARE—6 p.m. “NY Citizen Preparedness Training Program.” Families learn to prepare for natural and man-made disasters. Each attending family will receive a preparedness kit. Free; pre-registration required. Fox Care Center, John Remillard Classroom, 1 Foxcare Drive, Oneonta. Visit…


The Partial Observer: On Natural Climate Variability

Over the last 2,000 years there has been a Roman Warm Period and a Medieval Warm Period, and both had temperatures warmer than today. As shown in the following figure, over the last 175 years temperatures have been warming up since the end of the Little Ice Age but carbon dioxide emissions have only risen sharply over the last 75 years.…


The Partial Observer: HEAT Act Nothing But a Hot Mess

Who will pay for NY HEAT? The cost of a $672-million bailout for a few of the hundreds of thousands of utility customers currently in arrears will be borne by other utility customers. Every New Yorker will help fund subsidies for industrial solar and wind projects which could gobble up a million acres and yet fail to provide reliable electricity.…

Happenin’ Otsego: 11-15-23

HAPPENIN’ OTSEGO for WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Lectures on Climate and Population CLIMATE CHANGE—5:30-7 p.m. “Can New York Combat Climate Change Without Destroying Communities?” Discuss the state’s plan for a carbon free energy grid, and the ecological and financial costs.  Huntington Memorial Library, 62 Chestnut Street, Oneonta. (607) 432-1980 or visit CONSERVATION—7-8:30 p.m. “Be Informed Lecture Series: Is It Me or Are There Less People Here? Explaining Population Decline.” Dr. Alex Thomas discusses the relationship between metropolitan growth, second homeownership and our…

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