climate change – Page 7 – All Otsego


climate change - Page 7


Program Helps NYS&W Reduce Emissions, Costs

Program Helps NYS&W Reduce Emissions, Costs By SAM ALDRIDGE • for COOPERSTOWN – The worldwide movement of climate change awareness has come home to the New York Susquehanna & Western Railroad. The railway company, based in Cooperstown, has partnered with the state Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the Department of Environmental Conversation (DEC) to install four anti-idling engines on their locomotives to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions.  The Utica-based Mohawk Adirondack and Northern is also participating.…

Cooperstown Board Lends Voice To Addressing Climate Change

 Cooperstown Board Lends Voice To Addressing Climate Change COOPERSTOWN – The Village Board yesterday approved a resolution calling on officials up to the President of the United States to act to stem global warming, and to pledge Cooperstown’s help in any way it may be needed. The vote was unanimous, although Trustee Bruce Maxson was absent. Mayor Jeff Katz said the trustees hope that, with Glimmerglass being a symbol of nature’s purity, the village may be able to play a larger…

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