common core – Page 2 – All Otsego


common core - Page 2

CCS Students To Present Petition To Seward

CCS Students To Present Petition To Seward ONEONTA – State Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, will be meeting with Cooperstown Central students at 1 p.m. Friday in his Oneonta office at 41 South Main St.  to discuss education concerns and accept a student-initiated petition expressing opposition to Governor Cuomo’s proposal Common Core reforms.…

Formal Presentations By Teachers, Hebert Critical Of Governor’s Proposed Reforms

COMMON CORE DEBATE Formal Presentations By Teachers, Hebert Critical Of Governor’s Proposed Reforms COOPERSTOWN – This evening’s Cooperstown Central school board meeting moved from the library to the middle/high school cafeteria to accommodate the largest turnout of teachers and parents so far – 120 or more – since concerns arose locally two weeks ago about Governor Cuomo’s proposed Common Core reforms. The 7 p.m. meeting began with presentations, by teacher association president Ann Olmstead, Sandra Bliss, a retired teacher who listed long…


‘COMMON CORE’ FOES PACK 2 LOCAL FORUMS Parents Warn School Board About Atmosphere Of Fear COOPERSTOWN – Last year, only six families with nine children in all declined to take the state’s Common Core exams in the Cooperstown Central School District. But if the Cooperstown Central School District had mostly avoided protests about the testing-focused regimen, that abruptly and dramatically changed in the past few days. On Wednesday, March 4, more than 100 parents and teachers packed the school board meeting in the…

Opt Out Organizers Urge Parents To Spurn Common Core Testing

Opt Out Organizers Urge Parents To Spurn Common Core Testing COOPERSTOWN – Seventy-some parents and teachers who are parents were told this afternoon to “opt out” of allowing their children to participate in the state’s Common Core testing this spring. “If you deny them access to the test scores,” said Jamie McNair, who with his wife, Jessica, is an organizer of Opt Out NY, “the whole thing falls apart.” The McNairs, both teachers in the New Hartford district, spoke to…