Confederate flag – All Otsego


Confederate flag


Flying Confederate Flag Dishonors Our Ancestors

LETTER from CONSUELO KRAHAM VELEZ Flying Confederate Flag Dishonors Our Ancestors To the Editor: My great-grandfather, Malachi Kraham, an Irish IMMIGRANT, came to this country in 1859.  He settled in Otsego County and shortly after arriving, like many other young men from Otsego County, he joined the New York Militia during the Civil War.  He served in the Union Army, under the American flag to preserve the Union and abolish slavery. Eventually, he came back to Cooperstown, to his young…


Confederate Flag Putrid Reminder Racism Festers

LETTER from DAVID HAYES Confederate Flag Putrid Reminder Racism Festers To the Editor, I read Jennifer Hill’s confederate flag story in its entirety and found the piece well written and sensitive to differing views. My objection is your newspaper’s implied endorsement of a hate symbol by front page placement. This was the standard held high by treasonous men who shot and killed U.S. Army soldiers. It remains a putrid reminder of this country’s festering racism, and was more recently displayed by…


Rebel Flag Ominous To Many; Do We Want It At Fairs? NO!

LETTER from PAUL CONWAY Rebel Flag Ominous To Many; Do We Want It At Fairs? NO! To the Editor: Jennifer Hill’s article “… A Matter of Freedom,” raised the issue of whether Confederate flags should be marketed at county fairs such as ours, in Morris. One side of the issue is well stated there. The vendor quoted was a reasonable individual who articulated the rights of all citizens to symbolically express themselves with displays of flags. There is “more and…


Stars & Bars Can Be Sold At Delco Fair, But Cannot Be Displayed, Foes Assert

Delco Sheriff Vows Stars, Bars Display Ban Will Be Made To Stick Dumond Quoted Telling Coop Extension: Prohibition To Be ‘Aggressively Enforced’ DELHI – The Delaware County Fair Board has voted to allow vendors to continue to selling Confederate flags and related memorabilia , but will “aggressively enforce” a prohibition on their display, Fair For All announced today. As its source, Fair For All quoted statements by Delaware County Sheriff Craig Dumond at a May 20 meeting of the board…


Fair Gates Closed On Stars And Bars Foes

600 Sign Petition For Ban Fair Gates Closed On Stars And Bars Foes WALTON – Fifty participants in the Fair for All movement seeking a ban on the sale of Confederate flags at the Delaware County Fair today were barred at the fair gates from delivering a 600-signature petition, according to spokesperson Laura McClure. When the 50 Fair for All supporters approached the gate, a security guard closed it, said McClure.  Then Ed Rossley, president of the fair board, arrived,…