conspiracy theory – All Otsego


conspiracy theory


Citizen Science: Introduction to Citizen Science: Finding Intellectual Security

Citizen Science No. 1 by Jamie Zvirzdin Introduction to Citizen Science: Finding Intellectual Security Imagine you’re sitting in science class. On the paper before you, there’s a homework problem you don’t understand. You raise your hand to seek clarity, but the teacher responds, “Oh, that problem is easy! Just use your intuition.” The teacher then rattles off a bunch of specialized words—science jargon—you just learned. “Thanks,” you say out loud, but your muddied thoughts are joined by the cold chill…


WHELAN: Trump Supporter’s Challenge Accepted About ‘Election Fraud’

LETTER from M. A. WEHLAN Trump Supporter’s Challenge Accepted About ‘Election Fraud’ To the Editor: In his recent communication to the readership of the Freeman’s Journal, Mr. Furnari offered to debate anyone on the subject of Mr. Trumps’ 75 million enthusiasts who, he says, were deprived of their right to vote for him. We could also debate his other statements – but first we would have to establish some Rules of Evidence to abide by, as we seem to differ…


STAMMEL: Conspiracy Fantasies Must Come To An End

LETTER from ANDREW D. STAMMEL Conspiracy Fantasies Must Come To An End To the Editor: Millions of Americans watched in horror as partisan domestic terrorists stormed the U.S. Capitol last week to prevent the lawful election of Joe Biden. I join in the anger and disgust at the destruction of public property and the desecration of the hallowed citadel of democracy. I despair at the unnecessary loss of life, including brave Capitol police officers. But I also angrily denounce the…